Includes bibliographical references (p. 307-321) and index.
How could such bright compassionate people be wrong? -- What caused the Great Depression? -- What did FDR borrow from Hoover? -- Why did new dealers break up the strongest banks? -- Why did FDR seize everybody's gold? -- Why did FDR triple taxes during the Great Depression? -- Why was so much New Deal relief and public works money channeled away from the poorest people? -- Why didn't New Deal securities laws help investors do better? -- Why did new dealers make everything cost more in the depression? -- Why did the new dealers destroy all that food when people were hungry? -- How did the Tennessee Valley Authority depress the Tennessee economy? -- Why did the Supreme Court strike down early New Deal laws? -- How did Social Security contribute to higher unemployment? -- How did New Deal labor laws throw people out of work? -- How did FDR's Supreme Court subvert individual liberty? -- How did New Deal policies cause the depression of 1938? -- Why did New Deal lawyers disrupt companies employing millions? -- What have been the effects of the New Deal since the 1930s? -- What can we learn from FDR's mistakes?
Roosevelt, Franklin D., (Franklin Delano),1882-1945.
Depressions-- 1929-- United States.
New Deal, 1933-1939.
United States, Economic policy, 1933-1945.
United States, Politics and government, 1933-1945.