v. 1. section 1. Disorders of water, electrolytes, and acid base / [section editor], Tomas Berl. section 2. Acute renal failure / [section editor] Joseph V. Bonventre -- v. 2. section 1. Glomerulonephritis and vasculitis / section editors, Richard Glassock and Arthur Cohen. section 2. Tubulointerstitial disease / [section editor] Jean Pierre Grunfeld -- v. 3. Hypertension and the kidney / volume editor, Christopher S. Wilcox-- v. 4. Systemic diseases and the kidney / volume editor, Saulo Klahr -- v. 5. section 1. Dialysis as treatment of end-stage renal disease / section editor, William Henrich. section 2. Transplantation as treatment of end-stage renal disease / section editor, William M. Bennett