Book one: The triumph of evil. Election day -- How Bush won: fear -- Bush's little black dress -- How Bush won: smear -- A brief recuperative debunk -- With friends like Zell -- How Bush won: queers -- Al Franken talks about God -- Book two: Seeds of collapse. "A great political issue" -- The Tom DeLay Saipan sex tour and Jack Abramoff casino getaway -- Social security: Franni vs. Bush -- Plan of attack--attack the planning -- Mission redacted -- Werewolves of Washington -- Epilogue: The resurrection of hope. A letter to my grandchildren
A work of political satire draws on a wide range of resources to expose the mendacity of the Bush administration and its conservative Republican supports
Bush, George W., (George Walker),1946-
Presidents-- United States-- Election-- 2004
United States, Politics and government, 2001-2009, Humor