Includes bibliographical references (pages 300-303)
Map -- Introduction -- Synopsis -- Note to the reader -- PART I -- 1. Precursors -- 2. Thales -- 3. Anaximander -- 4. Anaximenes -- 5. Pythagoras -- 6. Alcmaeon -- 7. Xenophanes -- 8. Heraclitus -- PART II -- 9. Parmenides -- 10. Melissus -- 11. Zeno -- PART III -- 12. Empedocles -- 13. Fifth-century -- 14. Hippasus -- 15. Philolaus -- 16. Ion of Chios -- 17. Hippo -- 18. Anaxagoras -- 19. Archelaus -- 20. Leucippus -- 21. Democritus -- 22. Diogenes of Apollonia -- Appendix : the sources -- Further reading -- Subject index -- Index to quoted text -- Index to Diels-Kranz B-texts
Zeno's extraordinary and disturbing paradoxes, the atomic theories of Democritus that so strikingly anticipate contemporary physics, the enigmatic and haunting epigrams of Heraclitus-these are just some of the riches to be found in this collection of the writings of the early Greek philosophers