mathematics and its applications : proceedings of the Maple summer workshop and symposium, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, August 9-13, 1994
Robert J. Lopez, editor.
(XI, 234 p. :) : ill
I A. Maple in Computer Science.- x201C;Turtle Graphics" in Maple V. 2.- A Distributed Approach to Problem Solving in Maple.- Denotational Semantics Applied to the Typesetting of Maple Expressions.- IB. Maple in Applied Mathematics.- A Symbolic Engineering Mechanics System Built on OEM Maple.- Signal Processing Using Maple V.- Implementation of a Mapping Procedure for the Domain Decomposition for PDEs in Maple.- II A. Maple in Education.- The Influence of Maple on a Linear Algebra Course at the Delft University of Technology.- Can Maple Help in Teaching Calculus with Limited Time and Staff?.- Enlivening the Mathematics Curriculum with Maple.- II B. Maple in Science.- Analytical Approaches to Solving Coupled Nonlinear Schroedinger Equations Using Maple V.- Solution of the Solar Cell Transport Equations Using Maple.- Kramers and Wannier V-Matrices for the Partition Functions of the Ising Model.- III A. Maple in Abstract Algebra.- FRAC: A Maple Package for Computing in the Rational Function Field K(X).- Group Rings and Hopf-Galois Theory in Maple.- Rational Generating Function Applications in Maple.- III B. Maple in Science.- Symbolic-Numeric Computations for Problem-Solving in Physical Chemistry and Biochemistry.- Maple V Analytically Calculating Plane Strain FE-Matrices with Rotational Degrees of Freedom.- Chemical Engineering with Maple.- IV A. Maple in Education.- Maple Labs and Programs for Calculus.- Maple at the University of North London.- Introducing Maple to First Year Engineering Students Via Project Study.- Another Look at Learning the Techniques of Elementary Integration.- Worksheets: Can We Teach Mathematical Algorithms with Them?.- IV B. Maple in Science and the Applications.- Computer Algebra as a Tool for Analyzing Nonlinear Systems.- Maple V and Geometrical Optics: Aberration Coefficients in Arbitrary Optical Systems.- Solution of Banded Linear Systems of Equations in Maple Using LU Factorization.- Using Maple to Design a Complex Mixture Experiment.