an International Conference at Dartmouth Medical School Hanover, New Hampshire, July 29--August 2, 1968
edited by Kurt Benirschke.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Species, Speciation, and Chromosomes --;The species concepts --;Reproductive isolation and chromosomal mutation --;The bottleneck of heterozygosity --;Mechanisms of Chromosomal Changes in Mammalian Speciation --;General introductio --;Numerical changes --;The Robertsonian process --;Non-Robertsonian changes --;The Mammalian Genome in Evolution and Conservation of the Original X-Linkage Group --;Importance of karyotypic differences --;Conservation of X-linkage --;Homology between non-homologues --;Summary --;Geographic Variation of Chromosome Forms in Spalax, a Subterranean Mammal of Restricted Mobility --;Distribution of Spalax, mole rats --;Identification of different karyotypes --;Mechanisms of chromosomal changes in Spalax --;Consideration of reproductive isolation --;Summary --;Induced Chromosomal Aberrations with Special Reference to Man --;General considerations of mutagenesis --;Cytological changes --;LSD effects --;Human 'centric fusion' changes --;Other types of translocation in humans --;Lethal Chromosome Errors --;General considerations of lethal genetic errors --;Abortion studies in man --;Polyploidy --;Recognized abortions in man, trisomies --;Effects of triploidy, hydatidiform moles --;Semilethal errors --;XO anomaly --;Conclusions --;Meiosis in Mammals --;Studies at pachytene --;Chiasmata --;Structural changes --;Inversion --;Duplication and deficiency --;Reciprocal translocation --;Robertsonian translocation --;Insertion --;Summary --;Hybrid Sterility --;Cattle x Bison hybrids (Cattalos) --;Chicken x Pheasant hybrids --;Electronmicroscopic studies --;Teratological results --;Summary --;Experimental Hybridization --;Fertilization and prenatal development --;Peromyscus --;Goat-sheep --;Ferret-mink --;Rabbit-hare --;Chromosome studies --;Hybrids reaching adult life --;Hybrids which die during pregnancy --;Ferret x mink --;Rabbit x snowshoe hare --;Discussion --;Summary --;Genetic Aspects of Infertility --;General considerations --;Anatomical malformations causing infertility --;Abnormalities in gametes --;Embryonic mortality and lethal genes --;Maternal effects --;Genetic indicators of infertility --;Other genetic variations in fertility; summary --;Gene Action in Human Diploid Cell Strains --;Gene action --;Cellular differentiation --;Relationship of method of obtaining variant cells to the cell type employed --;Genetic markers in human diploid cell cultures --;The single active X-theory --;Some examples of gene action in human diploid cell strains --;The Lesch-Nyhan syndrome --;Hurler's syndrome --;Orotic aciduria --;The theory of intercellular complementation --;Summary --;Chromosome Mosaics as Markers in Embryology --;Distribution of cells in XY/XXY mosaic embryo --;Possible origin of mosaic --;Embryologic consequences --;Consequences for Lyon hypothesis --;Summary --;Multipolar Mitosis and Somatic Segregation in Cell Cultures of Microtus Agrestis --;Tissue culture system --;Findings and conclusions --;Summary --;Cytogenetics of Marsupials --;Chromosome number in the marsupialia --;General --;Marsupials with 2n = 14 --;Marsupials with 2n other than 14 --;Conclusions --;Autosomal chromosomal polymorphism --;Sex chromosomes in the marsupials --;Sex determination in the marsupials --;Multiple sex chromosome systems --;The XX/XY sex chromosome systems in marsupials --;Sex chromosome mosaicism --;Marsupials as animals for genetic research --;Insectivore Cytogenetics --;General considerations --;Macroscelidae --;Talpidae, Erinaceidae --;Soricidae --;Tenrecidae --;Solenodontidae --;Tupaiidae --;Comments and Summary --;Cytologic Mechanisms of Karyotype Evolution in Insectivores --;General introduction --;Talpidae --;Erinaceidae --;Robertsonian polymorphism in genus Mus --;Concluding remarks --;Summary --;Patterns of Autosomal Heterochromatin --;General remarks --;Methodology-Erinaceidae --;Nuclear chromatin findings --;Tritiated thymidine labeling --;Metaphase spread correlations --;Autosomal heterochromatin in meiosis --;General conclusions --;Chromosomal Evolution in Rodents --;Chromosomal rearrangements --;Chromosome polymorphism --;Speciation and chromosomal diversity --;Hybridization --;Sex chromosomes --;Cytotaxonomy --;Summary --;Cytogenetic and Phylogenetic Studies in Carnivora --;Phylogenetic considerations of carnivores --;Marker chromosomes --;Canidae --;Mustelidae --;Felidae --;Viverridae --;Karyotype evolution --;Cytogenetic Studies of Some Armadillos --;Dasypus --;Euphractus --;Chaetophractus --;Cabassous --;Discussion --;Summary --;Addendum (Priodontes) --;Artiodactyl Mammals: Their Chromosome Cytology in Relation to Patterns of Evolution --;Suiformes --;Tylopoda --;Ruminantia --;General discussion --;Sex chromosomes --;Perspectives --;Primates --;General discussion --;Methodology --;Prosimii --;Platyrrhini --;Catarrhini --;Chromosomal evolution --;Summary --;Considerations of Sex Chromosome Abnormalities in Man --;Review of normal development --;Theories and experiments relating to mammalian sex differentiation --;Cases 1-4 --;Discussion --;Position of male determinators on Y --;Extragenital function of Y --;Testicular tissue in XX individuals --;Function of second X in females --;Summary --;Anomalies of Sex Chromosomes in Tortoiseshell Male Cats --;and nomenclature --;Report of two cases --;Summary of reported cases --;Theories of pathogenesis --;Meiotic non-disjunction --;Polyandry; suppression of polar body; fusion --;Failure of second meiotic division --;Abnormal syngamy; initial triploidy --;Fusion of zygotes --;Exchange of cells between twins --;Summary --;Aneuploidy, Polyploidy and Structural Rearrangement of Chromosomes in Mammals Other Than Man --;General introduction --;Terminology --;Timing of errors in development --;Polyploidy --;Findings in domestic animals --;Chimerism --;Possible causative factors of aneuploidy --;Voucher Specimens in Comparative Cytogenetic Studies --;Classical taxonomic considerations --;Handling of animal identification by cytogeneticist --;Deposition of specimens with museum collections --;Obligations of investigators, curators and editors --;Concluding Remarks: Where Do We Go From Here? --;Summary of Conference --;Technical Addendum --;Bone Marrow Preparations for Chromosome Studies --;Collection in field --;Direct bone marrow preparations --;Short-term bone marrow cultures --;Fixation --;Air-dried preparations --;Squash preparations --;Meiotic Preparations from Mammalian Testes --;Schedule --;Comments --;A Combined Toluidine Blue Stain and Mounting Medium --;General Technique.
Ten years ago a symposium on Cytotaxonomy 'was held in London (Proc. ) \\Tith this as a background, two years ago we held the first of a series of loosely-structured conferences on reproductive failure in the relaxing atmosphere of this small New England college community.