a guide to understanding and managing the disorder
Lesley Berk [and others].
Crows Nest, N.S.W.
Allen & Unwin
xiv, 298 pages : illustrations, charts ; 20 cm
What is bipolar disorder? --;Bipolar depression --;Mania and hypomania --;Adapting to bipolar disorder --;Causes and triggers --;Medication as a personal strategy --;Getting to know your medications --;Psychotherapy --;Managing your triggers --;Catching symptoms early --;Support and activity strategies when becoming depressed --;Helpful thinking strategies to reduce depression --;Reducing suicide risk --;Managing warning symptoms of hypomania or mania --;Preventing damage and boosting your coping skills --;Monitoring your bipolar disorder --;Planning to prevent or reduce relapse --;Maintaining a healthy lifestyle --;Maintaining close relationships --;Your and your doctor --;Someone I care about has bipolar disorder.
Living with Bipolar provides essential and practical information for people with bipolar disorder, their families and friends.Two leading research psychiatrists and two psychologists, all with many years of experience in mood disorders, explain that this challenging illness can be managed.
Depression, Mental.
Manic-depressive illness -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.