Introduction: Britain and Italy, Religion and Politics --;1. Italy as the "European India" : British Orientalism, Cultural Imperialism, and Anti-Catholicism, c. 1850-1870 --;2. British Missionary Societies in Italy : Evangelising a Hostile Land, 1850-1862 --;3. Religion and Foreign Policy : From Unification to the "Desperate Folly" of the Syllabus (1861-1864) --;4. British Missionary Societies in Italy : Searching the Soul of the New Nation, 1862-1872 --;5. Protestant Foreign Policy and the Last Years of the Roman Question, 1865-1875 --;Conclusion: "Great" because Protestant, "Oriental" because Catholic.
This book examines Anglo-Italian political and cultural relations and analyses the importance of religion in the British 'Orientalist' perception of Italy. It puts religion at the centre of a harsh political and cultural war, one that was fought on international, diplomatic, and domestic levels.
British and Foreign Bible Society -- History -- 19th century.
Catholic Church -- Italy -- History -- 19th century.
Christianity and politics -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th century.