tools and terminology for translation and text processing
M. Kugler ... (ed.).
ix, 181 s : illustrations.
Research reports ESPRIT.; Project 2315, WTB
I. Introduction - Multilingual Documentation and Communication.- 1. Introduction.- 2. Key Players.- 3. The Cognitive Basis of Translation.- 4. User Participation in Software Development.- 4.1 User Requirements Study.- 4.2 Software Testing and Evaluation - Integrating the User into the Software Development Process.- 5. TWB in the Documentation Context.- 5.1 The Context of Translation Tools.- 5.2 Text Control.- 5.3 Translation Preparation Tools.- 5.4 Translation Tools.- 5.5 Post-Translation Tools.- 6. Market Trends for Text Processing Tools.- II. Translation Pre-Processes - The "Input" Resources.- 7. Document access - Networks and Converters.- 7.1 The Use of Standards for Access from TWB to External Resources.- 7.2 Remote Access to the METAL Machine Translation System.- 7.3 Word Processor ODA Converters.- 7.4 Access to a Remote Term Bank: EURODICAUTOM.- 8. General Language Resources: Lexica.- 8.1 The Compilation Approach for Reusable Lexical Resources.- 8.2 The Dictionary of Commerce, Finance, and Law (HFR-Dictionary).- 9. Special Language Resources: Termbank, Cardbox.- 9.1 The TWB Termbank.- 9.2 The Cardbox.- 10. Creating Terminology Resources.- 10.1 Background.- 10.2 The Systematic Elicitation of Terms: A Life-Cycle Model.- 10.3 The Life-Cycle Model of Term Elicitation: Outline of Computing Resources.- 10.4 Term Bank Record Format.- 10.5 Monitoring the Life-Cycle Phases.- 10.6 Corpus-Based Approach.- 10.7 Language-Specific Issues: Progress and Problems.- 10.8 Conclusions.- 10.9 Appendix.- III. Translation Processes - Tools and Techniques.- 11. Currently Available Systems: METAL.- 11.1 System Architecture.- 11.2 The Translation Environment.- 11.3 The Translation Kernel.- 11.4 METAL and TWB.- 12. Translation Memory.- 12.1 Introduction.- 12.2 State of the Art.- 12.3 The TWB Approach.- 12.4 A Brief Description of the Implemented System.- 12.5 Evaluation of the Translation Memory - First Results After Training Spanish-German, Spanish-English, German-English.- 12.6 Future Outlook.- 12.7 Annex A: Growth of the Databases.- 12.8 Annex B: An Example of Training.- 13. Extended Termbank Information.- 13.1 Unilingual and Language-Pair Specific Information.- 13.2 Types of Terminological Information.- 13.3 Transfer Comments.- 13.4 Encyclopaedia.- IV. Translation Post-Processes - The `Output' Resources.- 14. Proof-Reading Documentation - Introduction.- 15. Word- and Context-Based Spell Checkers.- 15.1 Spanish Spell Corrector.- 15.2 Extended Spelling Correction for German.- 16. Grammar and Style Checkers.- 16.1 German Grammar Checker: Efficient Grammar Checking with an ATN-Parser.- 16.2 Spanish Grammar Checker.- 16.3 Verification of Controlled Grammars.- 17. Automatic Syntax Checking.- 17.1 Introduction.- 17.2 A Word-Oriented Approach to Syntax.- 17.3 Syntax Description by Equation and Unification.- 17.4 Parsing Based on the Slot and Filler Principle.- 17.5 Parallelism as a Guideline for the System's Architecture.- 17.6 Error Detection and Correction Without any Additional Resources.- 18. Greek Language Tools.- 18.1 Introduction.- 18.2 Background.- 18.3 Greek Language Tools.- 18.4 Lexicon Development.- 18.5 Statistical Information.- 18.6 Exploitation.- V. Towards Operationality - A European Translator's Workbench.- 19. Integrating Translation Resources and Tools.- 19.1 Translation Assistant Editor - Multilingual Text Processing with Personal Computers.- 19.2 The UNIX Integration Procedure.- 20. Software Testing and User Reaction.- 20.1 Software Quality - The User Point of View.- 20.2 Results of Tests and Evaluation.- 20.3 Concluding Remarks.- 21. Products.- 21.1 Tangible Products: SNI.- 21.2 Products Planned by TA.- References.- Index of Authors.