Numerical data and functional relationships in science and technology / Gruppe 3:
Kristall- und Festkörperphysik = Group 3: @Crystal and solid state physics Bd. 27. Magnetische Eigenschaften nicht-metallischer anorganischer Verbindungen von Übergangselementen. Subvol. c1, Binary lanthanide oxides / contrib.: T. Palewski ... Ed. by H.P.J. Wijn.
Landolt-Börnstein. Ed. in chief: O. Madelung
Berlin ; Heidelberg
150 Seiten : Diagramme
Abt.-Benennung auch: Solid state physics. - Abt.-Benennung später:Condensed matter.
Magnetic properties of binary lanthanide and actinide oxides,- Binary lanthanide oxides. Introduction. Survey of lanthanide oxides. La oxides. Ce oxides. Pr oxides. Nd oxides. Pm oxides. Sm oxides. Eu oxides. Gd oxides. Tb oxides. Dy oxides. Ho oxides. Er oxides. Tm oxides. Yb oxides. Lu oxides. Figures and tables. References