Originally published by Birkhauser Verlag Basel in 1976.;"Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1976"--Title page verso.
General Outlooks --;Some Aspects of the History of Biometric Method in the Twentieth Century with a Special Reference to Prof. Linder's Work --;Einige Bemerkungen zur Grundlagensituation in der Statistik --;Some General Reflections on Statistical Practice --;Side Influences of Biometricians --;Sampling --;Sample-Dependent Estimation in Survey Sampling --;On Variances of Estimators of a Total Population Under Several Procedures of Sampling --;Some Remarks on the Concepts of Size-Distribution in the Study of Small Particles --;Der Einfluss der Genauigkeit des Messgerätes beim "Auslesen" nicht-masshaltiger Teile aus einer Fertigung --;Verfahren und Erfahrungen bei Insektenpopulationsschätzungen --;Estimation --;Vertrauensbereiche für den Quotienten von Mittelwerten zweier Normalverteilungen, wenn die Stichproben klein sind --;Sequential Estimation of the Parameter? of a Binomial Distribution --;Investigating the Quantile of an Unknown Distribution --;Testing --;Augmenting Shapiro-Wilk Test for Normality --;Fitting Constants in Cross-Classification Models with Irregular Patterns of Empty Cells --;The Random Analysis of Variance Model and the Wrong Test --;On an Approximate Test for Homogeneity of Coefficients of Variation --;Analyse eines Cross-Over-Versuches mit Anteilziffern --;Nonparametric Analysis of Variance --;Tables of Critical Values --;A Special Use of the General Interpretation for the One-Way Analysis of Variance in Population Genetics of Quantitative Characters --;Relationships --;L'emploi d'équations de régression simultanées dans le calcul de tables de production forestières --;Identification --;Stability of Distance Between Structured Groups in a Social Organism: Empirical Research --;Miscellaneous --;Statistical Designs from Room's Squares with Applications --;Un modèle d'élimination et de croissance --;Intérêt du diagramme (? 1,? 2) de K. Pearson et du diagramme (? 1,? 2) dans le champ bio-médical --;Some Further Theory of Search Linear Models --;Zum Problem der Optimum-Eigenschaften von SPR-Tests.