Ethopharmacology of Agonistic Behaviour in Animals and Humans
edited by B. Olivier, J. Mos, P.F. Brain.
Springer Netherlands
(228 pages)
Topics in the Neurosciences, Neuronal Control of Bodily Function: Basic and Clinical Aspects,, 7.
Experimental Models of Social and Aggressive Behaviour --;Frustration, aggression and drugs --;Pharmacological aspects of social cooperation --;Ethopharmacology of hypothalamic aggression in the rat --;Flight, Defence and Adaptive Strategies --;Ethopharmacology of flight behavior --;Situational-dependence and differential mediation of analgesic reactions to conspecific attack in mice --;Ethopharmacological Studies of Aggression in Mice --;Studies contrasting drug effects on reproduction induced agonistic behaviour in male and female mice --;The utility of ethological assessments of murine agonistic interactions in behavioural teratology: the foetal alcohol syndrome --;Ethopharmacological and neuropharmacological analyses of agonistic behaviour --;Ethopharmacological Studies of Aggression in Rats --;Psychopharmacology of social play --;The relationship between ethanol and aggression: studies using ethological models --;Serotonergic modulation of agonistic behavior --;Pro-aggressive actions of benzodiazepines --;Ethopharmacological Studies of Aggression and Dominance in Monkeys --;Serotonin, social behaviour, and aggression in vervet monkeys --;Alcohol effects on the aggressive behaviour of squirrel monkeys and mice are modulated by testosterone --;Psychopharmacological Studies of Human Aggression --;Psychopharmacology of human aggression: laboratory studies --;Psychopharmacology of aggression in humans.
This book is a compilation of studies presented at the International Society for Research on Aggression meeting in Chicago 1986, in which leading investigators were invited to cover aspects of ethopharmacological aggression research in a wide variety of species, including studies on humans.