Physical and Chemical Mechanisms in Molecular Radiation Biology.
Glass, William A.; Varma, Matesh N.
Springer Verlag
Introduction to the Problem: The Molecular Biology of Radiation Carcinogenesis; E.J. Hall, G.A. Freyer. Radiological Physics: Atomic and Molecular Theory; M. Inokuti. Charged Particle Transport in the Condensed Phase; M. Zaider. Radial Distribution of Dose; R. Katz, M.N. Varma. Early Chemical Events: Radiation Interactions in High-Pressure Gases; L.G. Christophorou. The Chemistry of Free-RadicalMediated DNA Damage; C. von Sonntag. Models of Radiation Effects: Phenomenological Models; L.A. Braby. Mechanistic Models; S.B. Curtis. Carcinogenesis Models; S.H. Moolgavkar. Molecular Radiation Biology: DNA Damage and Repair; J.F. Ward. Structure-Function Relations in Radiation Damaged DNA; R. Osman, et al. Exciton Microscopy and Reaction Kinetics in Restricted Spaces; R. Kopelman. 6 additional articles. Index.