Front Cover --;About the Editors --;About the Contributors --;Acknowledgments --;Dedication --;Table of Contents --;Foreword --;Introduction --;Chapter 1: A Discipline Defined --;Chapter 2: The Origins and Evolution of Nursing Informatics --;Chapter 3: Nursing, Informatics, and Technology Today --;Chapter 4: Nursing, Informatics, and Technology: A Look Forward --;Chapter 5: Nursing Informatics- A Day in the Life --;Afterword --;Chapter 1 Case Study: Career Options for Nurses Working with Informatics --;Chapter 2 Case Study: Using Standards Development Processes to Establish Industry Baselines and Norms --;Chapter 3 Case Study: Using Kaizen to Improve Workflow and Clinical Documentation Post-EHRImp lementation --;Chapter 4 Case Study: Healthcare Analytics-An Evolutionary Process --;Acronyms Used in This Book --;Back Cover.