Defining Culture and Cultural Competence --;Understanding Culture --;Distinguishing the Cultural and the Social --;Identifying the Personal Within the Cultural --;Appreciating the Role of Culture in Health Care --;Recognizing Cultural Differences: Lessons From Ethnography --;Negotiating Cultural Differences in Working With Clients --;Evaluating Clients and Designing Interventions in a Diverse World --;Assessing Intercultural Interactions and Interventions.
Culture in Clinical Care: Strategies for Competence explores theory and practice to define and describe the multidimensional nature of culture and its interaction with an individual's experience in the development of beliefs, values, and behavior. The newly updated Second Edition examines cultural beliefs related to health and wellness and how these beliefs and their associated actions affect intervention strategies. This one-of-a-kind text by Dr. Bette Bonder and Dr. Laura Martin provides health care practitioners and students with chapter objectives, critical thinking questions, interdisciplinary case studies and examples, numerous activities to build observation and interaction skills, comprehensive references ands, and images. The book's organization emphasizes practice and reflection by interweaving theory, examples, and continuous hands-on application of concepts. Readers have the opportunity to practice what they are learning and evaluate their own effectiveness while being constantly reminded that all individuals in any interaction embody numerous cultural influences. Benefits of the updated Second Edition: - Training and practice in ethnographic methods that build awareness and skill - Numerous examples, exercises, and activities for reflection and observation - Interdisciplinary approach suitable for cross-disciplinary teaching contexts - Definition of health care professions themselves as cultures - Web and bibliographic resources - Case studies involving a wide range of practitioner disciplines and cultural groups Instructors in educational settings can visit for additional material to be used in the classroom, including a sample syllabus--Provided by publisher.
Clinical medicine -- Case studies.
Clinical medicine -- Cross-cultural studies.
Clinical medicine -- Social aspects -- Cross-cultural studies.