1 Ontogeny of the Autonomic Nervous System: Cell Line Divergence and Differentiation --;2 Development of Peripheral Parasympathetic Neurons and Synapses --;3 Development of the Sympathoadrenal Axis --;4 Endocrine Control of Synaptic Development in the Sympathetic Nervous System: The Cardiac-Sympathetic Axis --;5 Development of Ans Innervation to the Avian Heart --;6 Development of Autonomic Innervation in Mammalian Myocardium --;7 Autonomic Effects in the Developing Heart --;8 Development, Aging and Plasticity of Perivascular Autonomic Nerves --;9 Regulation of Regional Vascular Beds by the Developing Autonomic Nervous System --;10 Relationships Between the Sympathetic Nervous System and Functional Development of Smooth Muscle End Organs --;11 Development of Central Autonomic regulation of Cardiovascular Function --;12 Developmental Changes in Neural Control of Respiration --;Appendix: List of Abbreviations.
This book, covering many key aspects of autonomic nervous system maturation, was suggested by the success of a symposium on the developing autonomic nervous system held at the Spring 1982 meeting of the Federation of American Scientists for Experi- mental Biology (Federation Proceedings 1983, 42, 1609).