Emerging Technologies and Techniques in Porous Media
edited by Derek B. Ingham, Adrian Bejan, Eden Mamut, Ioan Pop.
Springer Netherlands
(500 pages)
NATO science series., Series II,, Mathematics, physics, and chemistry ;, 134.
1 Governing equations for laminar flows through porous media --;2 Fundamentals of scale analysis, heatline visualization, and the intersection of asymptotes --;3 Modeling the flow through porous media --;4 Techniques for solving the boundary-layer equations --;5 Some boundary-layer problems in convective flow in porus media --;6 Compressible fluid dynamics in porous media by the bound- ary element method --;7 Laplacian decomposition of steady free convection in por ous media --;8 Genetic algorithms and their application to the identifica tion of hydraulic properties of rocks --;9 Turbulent heat and mass transfer in porous media --;10 The mixed convection number for porous media flow --;11 Sidewall heating in shallow cavities near the density maximum --;12 Active control of the onset of convection in porous medium by mechanical vibration --;13 Onset of oscillatory and stationary double-diffusive con vection within a tilted porous enclosure --;14 On stability analysis of Soret convection within a hori zontal porous layer --;15 Nonlinear vortex instabilities in free convective boundary layers in porous media --;16 Thermal non-equilibrium free convection in a cavity filled with a non-Darcy porous medium --;17 Entropy generation for free and forced convection in a por ous cavity and a porous channel --;18 Natural convection in anisotropic heterogeneous porous medium --;19 Effects of anisotropy on convection in horizontal and in clined porous layers --;20 Contribution of the thermal and molecular diffusion to convection in a vertical porous cavity --;21 Towards a physically based theory of high-concentration gradient dispersion in porous media --;22 Designed porous media --;23 Modeling single-phase flows in micro heat exchangers --;24 Axial and radial porous burners --;25 A porous medium model to investigate the red cell distri but ion effect on alveolar respiration --;26 Ionic contamination and decontamination of porous media --;27 Porous media and filtration --;28 Experimental study of forced convection through micro porous enhanced heat sinks --;29 Two- and three-fluid retention in a porous medium for toluene by gamma-ray attenuation --;30 Thermodynamics of fluids in mesoporous media --;31 Expansion scaling and elastic moduli of gas-fluidized magnetizable beds --;32 Porous media theory as basis for model of fouling layers formation in heat exchangers.
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Constanta, Black Sea, Romania, 9-20 June 2003
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Constanta, Black Sea, Romania, 9-20 June 2003
Engineering mathematics.
edited by Derek B. Ingham, Adrian Bejan, Eden Mamut, Ioan Pop.