Cover image; Title page; Table of Contents; Copyright; Quick reference; Abbreviations; Preface; Acknowledgements; Contributors; Reviewers; Chapter 1: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation; Basic life support (BLS); Adult advanced life support (ALS); Advanced life support in children; Resuscitation of the newborn; Foreign body airway obstruction;s; Chapter 2: Securing the airway, ventilation and procedural sedation; Securing the airway; Surgical airway; Ventilators; Procedural sedation; Chapter 3: Resuscitation and emergency procedures; Intravenous access techniques. Ultrasound guidanceArterial access techniques; Chest drainage procedures; Urinary catheterisation; Suprapubic cystostomy; Cricothyroidotomy; Lumbar puncture (LP); Emergency department thoracotomy; Chapter 4: Diagnostic imaging in emergency patients; Imaging modalities; Intravenous contrast reaction; Imaging of the head; Emergencies in the neck; Emergencies in thoracic and lumbar spine; Chest emergencies; Radiology in abdominal emergencies; Some obstetric emergencies; Fractures of pelvis and limbs; Radiation issues; Chapter 5: Ultrasound in emergency medicine; Basic physical principles. Ultrasound equipmentCommon applications in the ED; Other applications; Training, credentialling and quality review;s; Chapter 6: The approach to the patient with chest pain, dyspnoea or haemoptysis; Chest pain; Dyspnoea; Haemoptysis;s; Chapter 7: Acute coronary syndromes; Safe assessment; Management of STEMI; Stratifying ACS without diagnostic ECG changes: NSTEACS patients; Management of NSTEACS; Additional management (STEMI and NSTEACS); Cocaine-induced chest pain; Patient transfer; Chapter 8: Clinical electrocardiography and arrhythmia management; Indications. ECG interpretationChapter 9: Respiratory emergencies: the acutely breathless patient; General principles; Oxygen therapy; Investigations in respiratory emergencies; Life-threatening conditions presenting with breathlessness; Chapter 10: Acute pulmonary oedema; Overview; Pathophysiology; Clinical features; Differential diagnosis; Investigations; Management of APO; Disposal;s; Chapter 11: Venous thromboembolic disease --;deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism; Introduction; Pathophysiology; Clinical features; Diagnostic approach and clinical decision rules; Investigations. TreatmentDisposition; Acknowledgements; Chapter 12: Shock; Causes and effects; Overview of management; Hypovolaemic shock; Cardiogenic shock; Distributive shock; Obstructive shock; Summary; Chapter 13: Pain management in the emergency department; The approach to pain management; Establishing a pain management process in the ED; Assessment of pain; The rational use of analgesics and sedatives; Local anaesthesia; Non-pharmacological methods; Paediatric analgesia and sedation; Analgesia in the elderly; Analgesia in pregnancy and breastfeeding; Drug-seeking patients.
The ultimate emergency medicine textbook from the renowned Professor Gordian Fulde now in a new edition. Emergency Medicine 6e presents evidence-based clinical management and treatment advice for emergency medicine students and practitioners in Australasia. The vast range of topics include paediatric, geriatric, gynaecology, psychiatric, dental, rural and Indigenous presentations, ensuring readers are well prepared for any eventuality in the Emergency Department. This outstanding text combines expertise and experience with fully up-to-date content. It is authored by Professor Gordian Fulde, Emergency Department director at Sydney's St Vincent's Hospital, with contributions from Dr Sascha Fulde and over 60 other notable emergency medicine clinicians. Readers will gain a solid understanding of effective procedural and management skills in the ED. Practical tips relate to: patient transport and retrieval; seriously ill patients; advanced nursing roles; general practitioners; working with IT; administration, legal matters, governance and quality care; and interns and students in the emergency department. The ideal complement to hands-on emergency medicine training, this new edition of Emergency Medicine also prepares readers to apply key emergency medicine skills to unique incidents such as mass casualty and chemical, biological and radiological hazard contingencies.