Allium Crop Science: Recent Advances; Contents; Contributors; Abbreviations; Introduction; 1. Evolution, Domestication and Taxonomy; 2. Florogenesis; 3. Genome Organization in Allium; 4. Exploitation of Wild Relatives for the Breeding of Cultivated Allium Species; 5. Diversity, Fertility and Seed Production of Garlic; 6. Genetic Transformation of Onions; 7. Doubled-haploid Onions; 8. Molecular Markers in Allium; 9. Agronomy of Onions; 10. Onion Pre- and Postharvest Considerations; 11. Bacterial Diseases of Onion.
The primary aim of this book is to bring together, in a single volume, up-to-date knowledge obtained by a variety of scientific disciplines, from the basic molecular level, to application in the field, of the allium crops.