[edited by] Jason Finch, Lecturer in English Literature, Åbo Akademi University, Finland ; Lieven Ameel, Researcher, University of Helsinki, Finland ; Markku Salmela, Lecturer in English Literature, University of Tampere, Finland.
New York
Palgrave Macmillan
Introduction: Peripherality and Literary Urban Studies; Lieven Ameel, Jason Finch and Markku Salmela --;PART I: CITY PERIPHERIES --;1. Detroit and Paris, Paris as Detroit; Jeremy Tambling --;2. 'It's Six A.M. Do You Know Where You Are?' Urban Peripherality and the Narrative Framing of Literary Beginnings; Lieven Ameel --;3. The Peripheries of London Slumland in George Gissing and Alexander Baron; Jason Finch --;4. A Topography of Refuse: Waste, the Suburb, and Pynchon's 'Low-lands'; Markku Salmela --;5. London's East End in Peter Ackroyd's Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem; Aleksejs Taube --;6. The Configuration of Boundaries and Peripheries in Johannesburg as Represented in Selected Works by Ivan Vladislavic and Zakes Mda; Marita Wenzel --;PART II: PERIPHERAL CITIES, GENRES AND WRITERS --;7. Hungry and Alone: The Topography of Everyday Life in Knut Hamsun and August Strindberg; Tone Selboe --;8. A Forest on the Edge of Helsinki: Spatiality in Henrika Ringbom's Novel; Martina Dagers l̃ngtan and Topi Lappalainen --;9. Eduard Vilde and Tallinn's Dynamic Peripheries, 1858-1903; Elle-Mari Talivee and Jason Finch --;10. A Suburban Revision of Nostalgia: The Case of Ways of Going Home by Alejandro Zambra; Bieke Willem --;11. From Windowsill to Underpass: Young Women's Spatial Orientation in Swedish Young Adult Literature; Lydia Wistisen --;12. Centrifugal City: Centre and Periphery in Ricardo Piglia's La ciudad ausente; Nettah Yoeli-Rimmer.
Cities have always been defined by their centrality. But literature demonstrates that their diverse peripheries define them, too: from suburbs to slums, rubbish dumps to nightclubs and entire failed cities. The contributors to this collection explore literary urban peripheries through readings of literature from four continents and numerous cities.
Cities and towns in literature.
Suburbs in literature.
[edited by] Jason Finch, Lecturer in English Literature, Åbo Akademi University, Finland ; Lieven Ameel, Researcher, University of Helsinki, Finland ; Markku Salmela, Lecturer in English Literature, University of Tampere, Finland.