edited by Johannes W.F. Beks, D. Andries Bosch, Mario Brock.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Session A: Basic Concepts I Chairman: N.N. Zwetnow; Co-chairman: F. Isamat --;Studies of Kinetics of Fluid Movements Within Brain Tissue --;Responses of Cortical Vein Wedge Pressure, Ventricular Fluid Pressure, and Brain Tissue Pressure to Elevation of Arterial Blood Pressure Under Conditions of Hyperventilation and Freezing Injury to the Brain --;The Influence of Brain Tissue Pressure Upon Local Cerebral Blood Flow in Vasogenic Edema --;Pathogenetic Role of the No-Reflow Phenomenon in an Experimental Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Model in the Dog --;The Role of CSF Resorption on the Intracranial Pressure/Volume Relationship --;Intracranial Blood Volume and Its Variation with Changes in Intracranial Pressure --;Summary --;Session B: Basic Concepts II Chairman: K. Shulman; Co-chairman: J. Hoff --;Isolation of Factors Leading to Sustained Elevations of the ICP --;Increases in ICP and Development of Plateau Waves in Decompensated Hydrocephalic Cats. A New Model --;Increased Intracranial Pressure and Lung Water in Dogs --;Differences in the Behavior of Afferent Vessels in Autoregulation to Increased Intracranial Pressure and to Diminished Systemic Blood Pressure --;Changes of the Sympathetic Vasomotor Activity During Increased Intracranial Pressure --;Correlation in Man of Intracranial Pressure and Neuroelectric Activity Determined by Multimodality Evoked Potentials --;Summary --;Session C: Trauma I Chairman: T.W. Langfitt; Co-chairman: H. Nornes --;The Incidence and Importance of Intracranial Hypertension in Head-Injured Patients --;ICP, CVR and Cerebral Metabolism Following Experimental Cerebral Missile Injury --;Intracranial Pressure Effects of Missile Wounds --;Intraventricular Pressure in Patients with Chronic Subdural Hematomas Before and After Evacuation of the Hematoma --;Intraventricular Isotope Encephalography and Continuous Intraventricular Pressure Recording in Patients Mentally Retarded Following Brain Injury --;Summary --;Session D: Trauma II Chairman: M. Brock; Co-chairman: D.P. Becker --;The Critical Importance of ICP Monitoring in Head Injury --;Management of Head Injury by Means of Ventricular Fluid Pressure Monitoring --;Intracranial Pressure Monitoring in Intensive Care Patients Suffering from Acute Head Injuries --;Changes in Brain Stem Blood Vessels in Patients with Early Signs of Decerebration in the Absence of Intracranial Hypertension --;The Brain Vasomotor Tone Index as Prognosis Leader in Severe Head Injuries --;The Relation Between Intracranial Pressure and Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in the Acute Phase of Severe Head Injury --;Summary --;Session E: Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Chairman: L. Symon: Co-chairman: E. Pasztor --;Incidence of Hydrocephalus and Increased Ventricular Fluid Pressure in Patients with Ruptured Supratentorial Aneurysms --;ICP and CSF Absorption Impairment After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage --;ICP, Aneurysms, and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage --;An Analysis of Postoperative Time Course of ICP in 35 Cases with Intracranial Aneurysms --;Mean Intracranial Resting Pressure, Episodic Pressure Fluctuations, and Intracranial Volume/Pressure Response in Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage --;Intracranial Hypertension in Acute Stage of Ruptured Intracranial Aneurysm --;Summary --;Session F: Hydrocephalus Chairman: U. Pontén; Co-chairman: G.M. Hochwald --;An Explanation of the Reversible Memory Defect in Hydrocephalus --;CSF Hydrodynamics Especially in the Adult Hydrocephalus Syndrome --;Ventriculo-Lumbar Perfusion in Adult Communicating Hydrocephalus --;Subarachnoid Infusion Test. Its Value in the Prognosis of Shunted Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus --;Low Output and Low Pressure Failure of Valve Revealed by Shunt Perfusion --;Correlations Between Ventricular Fluid Pressure (VFP) and Computerized Tomography in Patients with Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus --;Summary --;Session G: Drugs and Anaesthetica Chairman: J.D. Miller; Co-chairman: H.J. Reulen --;Effects of Depolarizing, Non-Depolarizing Muscle Relaxants and Intubation on the Ventricular Fluid Pressure --;The Effect of THAM on Acute Intracranial Hypertension. An Experimental and Clinical Study --;Reduction of Raised Intracranial Pressure Following Infusion of Mannitol. A Review of Clinical Pressure Recordings --;Treatment of Acute Cerebral Edema with High Dose of Dexamethasone --;The Influence of Dexamethasone Therapy in ICP in Patients with Tumors of the Posterior Fossa --;Summary --;Session H: Patient Management Chairman: H. Troupp; Co-chairman: D.G. McDowall --;The Significance of ICP-Monitoring in the Post-Operative Period --;The Clinical Value of Intracranial Pressure Monitoring --;The Effects of Head Position and Jugular Vein Compression (JVC) on Intracranial Pressure (ICP). A Clinical Study --;Sagittal Sinus Pressure and CSF Dynamics During Intracranial Hypertension in Man --;The Cushing Response --;Summary --;Session I: Data Handling Chairman: R. Cooper; Co-chairman: J. de Rougemont --;Computer Analysis of Intracranial Pressure Measurements: Clinical Value and Nursing Response --;Reliability and Reproduceability of ICP Frequency Analysis --;Computer-Assisted Determination of Optimum ICP Levels --;The Pattern of Cerebral Pulse: Automatic Analysis --;A New Method of Monitoring Intracranial Volume/Pressure Relationship --;A Dynamic Pressure Profile in the Management of Patients with Glioma --;Summary --;Session J: Pediatric Aspects Chairman: N. Lundberg; Co-chairman: J.W.F. Beks --;The Role of Intracranial Pressure Monitoring in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit --;Intracranial Pressure in Reye Syndrome --;The Importance of Preventing Increased Intracranial Pressure in Patients with Cerebral Edema not Related to Trauma --;Direct Measurement of ICP in Cases of Craniosynostosis as a Diagnostic Aid for Operation --;Summary --;Closing Comments.
The papers presented at the Third International Symposium on Intracranial Pressure that was held at the University of Groningen. It was decided in a meeting of chairmen and co-chairmen during the symposium that the next congress will take place in 1979.
edited by Johannes W.F. Beks, D. Andries Bosch, Mario Brock.