Introduction to SQL Server 2000 --;Installing the Personal Edition of SQL Server 2000 --;Designing and Creating the Development Database --;SQL Server Security --;SQL Server Query Analyzer --;Database Connections --;Introduction to Stored Procedures --;Stored Procedures Versus SQL Statements --;Selecting Data --;Inserting Data --;Updating Data --;Deleting Data --;Working with Text Data --;Installing Internet Information Server (IIS) --;SQL Server and XML --;SML Web Reports --;Case Study Part 1: Building an English Query Application --;Case Study Part 2: Deploying an English Query Application --;Appendix A. SQL Server and VB Data Tapes --;Appendix B. ADO 2.6 Object Model --;Appendix C. SQL Server Functions --;Appendix D. Building the Hardware Tracking Framework --;Appendix E. Creating the Hardware Tracking Business Server Component --;Appendix F. References --;Appendix G. Support, Errata, and
This title provides comprehensive coverage of SQL Server 2000 specifically from a Visual Basic programmer's point of view. SQL Server is now the first choice for the Visual Basic developer wanting a more powerful, reliable and sophisticated database than MS Access can provide.