1. Organization --;2. House surveys --;3. Foundations --;4. Walls --;5. Floors --;6. Roofs and chimneys --;7. Joinery and woodwork --;8. Finishes and surfaces --;9. Services --;10. The report --;11. Home condition, homebuyer and other pro forma reports --;12. Reports on non-residential buildings --;13. Reports on flats and apartments --;14. New buildings and buildings under construction --;15. Reports on older buildings --;16. Reports on leasehold properties --;17. Reports for prospective mortgagees --;18. A typical building survey report --;19. Legal considerations --;20. Dilapidations --;21. Conservation and the surveyor --;22. The surveyor as expert witness.
Building inspection.
Building management -- Standards.
TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING -- Construction -- General.