One: The Issues --;1 Air pollution --;2 Ozone depletion --;3 Climate change --;4 Availability of fresh water --;5 Coastal and marine degradation --;6 Land degradation --;7 Deforestation and habitat loss --;8 Loss of biological diversity --;9 Environmental hazards --;10 Toxic chemicals and hazardous wastes --;Two: Causes and Consequences --;11 Agriculture and fisheries --;12 Industry --;13 Energy --;14 Transport --;15 Tourism --;16 Population and resources --;17 Human settlements --;18 Health --;19 Peace and security --;Three: The Response --;20 Understanding the environment --;21 Perceptions and attitudes --;22 National responses --;23 International responses --;Four: Looking Ahead --;24 Challenges and opportunities --;Appendix A Contributors to the report --;Appendix B Reviewers, participants and commentators in workshops.
Every year since 1974, UNEP has produced a State of the Environment report, focusing on one or more emerging environmental issues and always stressing the human factor -the impact of environmental quality on people and society.