Title from title screen.;Includes index.;Title from website (viewed Jan. 31, 2006).
PART I: INTRODUCTION --;PART II: NON-OBJECT-ORIENTED FEATURES IN PL/SQL 9i: Cursors --;PL/SQL Records and Index-by Tables --;Error Message Handling --;Stored Subprograms (Procedures, Functions and Packages) --;Dabatabse Triggers --;Native Dynamic SQL and Dynamic PL/SQL --;Autonomous Transactions --;Native Bulk Binds --;PART III: OBJECT ORIENTED FEATURES IN PL/SQL 9i: The World of Objects --;Collections (VARRAYS and Nested Tables) --;Large Objects --;PART IV: PL/SQL WITH JAVA AND THE WEB: Floating in Java --;PL/SQL and the Web --;PART V: PL/SQL PERFORMANCE AND STANDARDS: Performance Considerations --;PL/SQL Coding Standards --;PART VI: APPENDIX. Case Stuides and Schema Objects --;Index.
Developers using PL/SQL 9i as an environment for corporate applications will find detailed technical information and practical tips in Lakshman's book.
Oracle 9i PL/SQL
Oracle (Computer file) -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.