Proceedings of a Conference Sponsored by the Canadian Mathematical Society, NSERC (Canada), and the University of Waterloo, June 1978.
P Hoffman
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
(668 pages).
Lecture Notes in Mathematics Ser.
On the Stable Homotopy of Symplectic Classifying and Thorn Spaces.
Intro; Title Page; Copyright Page; FOREWORD; TABLE OF CONTENTS; THE STRUCTURE OF ODD L-GROUPS; 1. Definitions; The Exact Sequence; 2. The Groups L E, tor (Z(1T)) .; 3. Calculations; 4. An application; 5. Involutions on Matrix Rings; 6. Involutions on Quaternion Algebras; 7. Involutions and Division Algebras; 8. The Local Lifting Theorem; 9. The Norm Theorem; Bibliography; The surgery group Lh3(Z(G)) for G a finite 2-group; 1. The proof of theorem A.; 2. Factoring the map d; 3. The type II algebras and theorem B; 4. The proof of theorem C; Bibliography. Whitehead torsion for PL fiber homotopy equivalences. 1. Results; 2. Outline of proof of Theorem D; 3. Outline of other proofs; 4. References; Localization in quadratic L-theory; 1. Quadratic L-theory; 2. Localization; 3. Cartesian squares; 4. Products; 5. Dedekind algebra; 6. Polynomial extensions; 7. Change of K-theory; References; K2(Z[Z/5J) IS GENERATED BY RELATIONS AMONG 2x2 MATRICES; 1. Introduction; 2. Approximation by Units in ~(~s).; 3. The Strong Euclidean Algorithm; 4. Extension of the Methods of Sylvester and Dunwoody; 5. Stein's Calculation; References. Surgery Spaces: Formulae and Structure1. Statement of results; 2. MSO-module spectra; 3. The spectra LO, Lo, and L" at 2; 4. Periodic, connective bo-module spectra; REFERENCES; BALANCED SPLITTINGS OF SEMI-FREEACTIONS ON HOMOTOPY SPHERES; 1. Statement of Results; 2. Proof of Theorem B; 3. Construction of ExaITlples; REFERENCES; Some Examples of Finite Group Actions; References; The Homotopy Structure of Finite Group Actions on Spheres; 1. Introduction; 2. Semi-linear spheres; 3. Examples; 4. Arbitrary actions on homotopy spheres; References; ADDITION OF EQUIVARIANT SURGERY OBSTRUCTIONS. 1. Notation and statement of results2. G Poset pairs; 3. The concept of Quasitransversality; 4. h maps and I(G, A); 5 The construction defining the addition; 6 The group I(G, A); 7 Applications and Generalizations; REFERENCES; Obstructions to Realizing Equivariant Witt Classes; References; STABLE G-SMOOTHING; Introduction; Stable G-smoothing Theory I; Normal G-microbundles; Stable G-smoothing theory II; REFERENCES; LINEAR ACTIONS ON FRIENDLY SPACES; 1. Statement of results; 2. Method of proof; 3. Proof of Theorem; References; The Kunneth Formula in Equivariant K-theory; REFERENCES. ISOTOPY CLASSES OF PERIODIC DIFFEOMORPHISMS ON SPHERES1. Realizing nontrivial isotopy classes; 2. Isotopy classes and knot invariants; 3. Some non-h-cobordant manifolds; 4. Finding non-realizable isotopy classes; REFERENCES; ORIGINAL BROWN-PETERSON SPECTRA; 1. The localization square; 2. Automorphisms of BP; 3. The case p=3; 4. The case p=2; 5. Ring structures; REFERENCES; BP-OPERATIONS AND MAPPINGS OF STUNTED COMPLEX PROJECTIVE SPACES; 1. INTRODUCTION; 2. BP OPERATIONS; 3. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STABLE GENUS AND SELF-MAPS; 4. STABLE GENUS AND SELF MAPS OF cpn+2; REFERENCES.