gravity, gauge theory and strings = L'Unité de la physique fondamentale
edited by C. Bachas [and others].
New York ; London
Springer, Published in cooperation with the NATO Scientific Affair Division : EDP Sciences, Les Ulis
(663 pages) : illustrations
Supergravity / B. de Wit --; Supersymmetric gauge theories / D.S. Berman, E. Rabinovici --; Introduction to duality symmetries in string theory / A. Sen --; Les Houches lecture on large N field theories and gravity / J. Maldacena --; D-Branes on the conifold and N=1 gauge/gravity dualities / I.R. Klebanov, C.P. Herzog, P. Ouyang --; De Sitter space / M. Spradlin, A. Strominger, A. Volovich --; String compactification with N=1 supersymmetry / M.R. Douglas --; Lectures on open strings, and noncommutative gauge theories / N.A. Nekrasov --; Condensates near the Argyres-Douglas point in SU(2) gauge theory with broken N=2 supersymmetry / A. Gorsky --; Quantum field theory with extra dimensions / L. Baulieu --; Special holonomy spaces and M-theory / M. Cvetič [and others] --; Four dimensional non-critical strings / F. Ferrari --; U-opportunities: why is ten equal to ten? / B. Julia --; Exact answers to approximate questions --; noncommutative dipoles, open Wilson lines and UV-IR duality / Soo-Jong Rey --; Open-string models with broken supersymmetry / A. Sagnotti --; On a field theory of open strings, Tachyon condensation and closed strings / S.L. Shatashvili --; Exceptional magic / S.L. Shatashvili.
In a distilled and pedagogical fashion, the contributions to this volume of the famous summer school in Les Houches cover the recent developments in supersymmetric string theory, the gauge theory/string theory correspondence and string duality. Further chapters deal with quantum gravity and D-brane geometry. Black hole mechanics and cosmology are treated too, as well as the AdS-CFT correspondence. The book is a comprehensive introduction to the recent developments in string/M-theory and quantum gravity. It addresses graduate students in physics and astrophysics.
Unité de la physique fondamentale
Gauge fields (Physics) -- Congresses.
Grand unified theories (Nuclear physics) -- Congresses.