How Much Nutritional Iron Deficiency in Humans Globally is Due to an Underlying Zinc Deficiency? R.D. Graham, M. Knez, and R.M. Welch The Effects of Climate Change on the Mobilization of Diffuse Substances from Agricultural Systems C.J.A. Macleod, P.D. Falloon, R. Evans, and P.M. Haygarth Greenhouse Gas Mitigation with Agricultural Land Management Activities in the United States --; A Side-by-side Comparison of Biophysical Potential A.J. Eagle and L.P. Olander The Role of Abiotic and Coupled Biotic/Abiotic Mineral Controlled Redox Processes in Nitrate Reduction C.J. Matocha, P. Dhakal, and S.M. Pyzola A Critical Review of the Influence of Wastewater Irrigation on the Transformation and Bioavailability of Heavy Metal(loid)s in Soil A. Kunhikrishnan, S. Laurenson, N.S. Bolan, K. Mueller, R. Naidu and Won-Il Kim Development and Rapid Adoption of Submergence-Tolerant (Sub1) Rice Varieties D.J. Mackill, A.M. Ismail, U.S. Singh, R.V. Labios, and T.R. Paris.
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