Ukraine between East and West, North and South --; Eurasia --; Russia --; Ukraine --; The Significance of Poland for Ukraine --; A Second Economic Divide in Europe?- The Partnership and Co-operation Agreement (PCA) between Ukraine and the EU --; Integrating Ukraine into the World Economy --; Infrastructure as an Instrument of National and Regional Development Policy in the EU and Ukraine --; Are there Regional Economic Policies which Lead to 'Europe'? --; Voices of Urkanian Companies in East and West --; Ukraine as the Gas Bridge to Europe?- Reform of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy and Agricultural Policy's Strategies for Ukraine --; Export Orientation and Its Impact on Enterprise Restructuring in Ukraine --; Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy During Transformation --; The Role of Long-term Capital for a European Ukraine --; EU Enlargement and Implications for Ukraine --; Effects of the EMU on the Ukrainian Economy --; Fiscal Federalism in Western Europe and Other Countries: Centralisation or Decentralisation?
Ukraine is without doubt geographically a part of Europe. And yet, the integration process into international and European structures, which Ukraine has consistently pursued since its independence in 1991, is not firmly anchored in the perceptions of either Ukrainians or most international observers. To many Ukrainians the road to Europe is synonymous with membership in the EU or at least with a treaty of association. To travel this road, however, Ukraine will have to first mobilise its economic potential by accelerating and intensifying the process of transformation and by opening its economy. In this volume the authors - German advisors to the Ukrainian Government, researchers and politicians from neighbouring countries and representatives of European institutions - provide proposals for the reform of the Ukrainian economy that will help it move closer to Europe. Europe is many things - certainly more than the EU, and certainly Ukraine is part of it.