edited by Günter Burg, Philipp LeBoit, Werner Kempf, Beatrix Müller.
Heidelberg Steinkopff
(XIV, 107 p. 818 illus., 817 illus. in color)
Cutaneous lymphomas are one of the most difficult but also most interest ing and challenging areas in clinical and experimental dermatology and pathology. While even "routine" cases can pose diagnostic difficulties be yond those associated with similar lymphomas in lymph nodes, cutaneous lymphomas often have unusual features that pose a wide spectrum of ques tions concerning diagnosis, classification, pathogenesis and therapy. This book is an unique collection of unusual cases of cutaneous T-cell, B-cell and NK-cell lymphomas, leukemias and other disorders related to cutaneous lymphoma, presented in a concise format. The authors have pro vided excellent illustrations and precise descriptions with short comments and reliable references. All of the authors are highly regarded experts in the field of cutaneous lymphomas and lymphoproliferative diseases and their contributions guarantee the high quality performance of this book. The limitations of their perceptions of these cases reflect the limits of our knowledge in 2001, not the limitations of their expertise. Zurich and San Francisco, GUNTER BURG February 2001 PHILIP LEBoIT I Table of Contents 1 Cutaneous T-cell Lymphoma (an) • 1.1 Mycosis Fungoides and Related Disorders . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . .
edited by Günter Burg, Philipp LeBoit, Werner Kempf, Beatrix Müller.