Previous ed. published: London : Royal Society of Medicine Press, 2007.
Preface Welcome to Get ahead! Surgery. This book contains 100 EMQ themes, each with five stems, arranged as six practice papers lasting two hours apiece. You can either work through the practice papers systematically or dip in and out of the book using the EMQ index as a guide to where questions on a specific topic can be found. We have tried to include all the surgical conditions about which you can be expected to know, as well as some more detailed knowledge suitable for candidates aiming towards distinction. As in the real exam, these papers have no preset pass mark. Whether you pass or fail depends on the distribution of scores across the whole year group, but around 60% should be sufficient. We hope this book fulfils its aim in being a useful, informative revision aid. If you have any feedback or suggestions, please let us know ( We would also like to acknowledge the help of Stephen Clausard, Development Editor at CRC Press, for his patience and proactivity in commissioning and supporting this edition and others in the Get ahead! series. James Wigley Saran Shantikumar--Provided by publisher.