Proceedings of the 10th International Conference, Del Coronado, CA, May 28 - June 1, 1996
edited by Paul F. Barbara, James G. Fujimoto, Wayne H. Knox, Wolfgang Zinth.
Berlin, Heidelberg
Springer Berlin Heidelberg
(xxv, 473 pages 385 illustrations)
Springer series in chemical physics, 62.
I Ultrafast Lasers and Sources --; II Parameteric Generation --; III Terahertz Sources and Techniques --; IV High Brightness Light Pulses: Systems and Techniques --; V High-Field Physics and X-Ray Generation --; VI Applications of Femtosecond Sources and Novel Techniques --; VII Ultrafast Coherent Techniques, Wavepacket Motion and Coherent Control --; VIII Ultrafast Photochemistry --; IX Dynamics in the Condensed Phase --; X Energy and Electron Transfer in Photosynthesis --; XI Ultrafast Processes in Chromoproteins: Ligand Dynamics, Relaxation and Isomerisation --; XII Coherent Spectroscopy of Semiconductors --; XIII Ultrafast Processes in Semiconductors and Solids --; XIV Microcavities and Dots --; XV Metals and Surfaces --; Index of Contributors.
Ultrafast Phenomena X presents the latest advances in ultrafast technology and the study of ultrafast phenomena. It includes picosecond and femtosecond processes in physics, chemistry, and biology as well as engineering applications of ultrafast technology. Ultrafast laser and measurement technology on the picosecond and femtosecond time scales has a profound impact in a wide range of scientific and engineering applications and extends also towards real-world applications in biology, high-speed communication and material diagnostics. This book summarizes results presented at the 10th Ultrafast Phenomena Conference and describes the state of the art of this exciting and rapidly advancing field.
Physical organic chemistry.
edited by Paul F. Barbara, James G. Fujimoto, Wayne H. Knox, Wolfgang Zinth.