Interpretation of tabular expressions using arrays of relations --; Translating relational programs into Prolog --; A calculus for program construction based on fork algebras, design strategies and generic algorithms --; Processes as relations --; A tableaux procedure for the implication problem for association rules --; On a static verification of integrity constraints in relational databases --; Contact relation algebras --; Relations old and new --; Relational models for the nonassociative Lambek calculus --; Coping with semilattices of relations in logics with relative accessibility relations --; A relational formalisation of a generic many-valued modal logic --; An application of standard BAO theory to some abstract information algebras --; Proof systems in relation algebra --; Connections between cylindric algebras and relation algebras --; Lattices in dedekind categories --; Beyond modalities: sufficiency and mixed algebras --; Cylindric algebras for partial relational systems, quasicylindric algebras.
This volume addresses all current aspects of relational methods and their applications in computer science. It presents a broad variety of fields and issues in which theories of relations provide conceptual or technical tools. The contributions address such subjects as relational methods in programming, relational constraints, relational methods in linguistics and spatial reasoning, relational modelling of uncertainty. All contributions provide the readers with new and original developments in the respective fields. The reader thus gets an interdisciplinary spectrum of the state of the art of relational methods and implementation-oriented solutions of problems related to these areas.