Emerging perspectives on the design, use, and evaluation of mobile and handheld devices
Joanna Lumsden, [editor].
Hershey, PA
Information Science Reference, an imprint of IGI Global
Advances in wireless technologies and telecommunication (AWTT) book series.
On mobility and interaction landscapes: identifying three strands of developments for mobile interaction design research Mikael Wiberg --; Modern standards for voiceXML in pervasive multimodal applications Dirk Schnelle-Walka, Stefan Radomski, Max Mühlhäuser --; MagiThings: gestural interaction with mobile devices based on using embedded compass (magnetic field) sensor Mehran Roshandel, Amin Haji-Abolhassani, Hamed Ketabdar --; Category-based interfaces for mobile search Tomi Heimonen --; Playing with traffic: an emerging methodology for Developing Gamified Mobility Applications Martin Kracheel, Rod McCall, Vincent Koenig --; Rethinking education for sustainability: a mobile learning approach. Leonardo Giusti, Alessandro Pollini, Federico Casalegno --; Usability heuristics for mobile phone applications: a literature review Thaísa C. Lacerda, Juliane V. Nunes, Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim --; The phone as a tool for combining online and offline social activity: a study of early mobile social media use Stina Nylander --; Emerging issues in mobile data capture methods across multiple domains: learning from the user experience Jo Cranwell [and 5 others] --; Perceived impacts as user experience components in mobile news making with smartphones Heli Väätäjä --; Investigating serendipitous smartphone interaction with public displays Matthias Baldauf, Peter Fröhlich --; Large-scale research via app stores: challenges and opportunities at the example of a NFC game adoption study Matthias Kranz, Andreas Möller, Florian Michahelles.
This book is an authoritative reference source consisting of the latest scholarly research and theories from international experts and professionals on the topic of human-computer interaction with mobile devices--