A Biosystematic Study of the African and Madagascan Rubiaceae-Anthospermeae
by Christian Puff.
Springer Vienna
(ix, 535 pages 126 illustrations)
Plant Systematics and Evolution, 3.
Abstract.- A. Introduction.- B. Materials and Methods.- C. General Part.- 1. Geographical Distribution and Habitats.- 2. Habit and Growth Form Analyses.- 2.1. Large to Medium-sized Shrubs.- 2.2. Dwarf Shrubs.- 2.2.1. Short-lived Shrubs ("Woody Herbs").- 2.3. Subshrubs.- 2.4. Perennial Herbs.- 2.5. Influence of External Factors on Habit and Growth Form.- 2.5.1. Fire.- 2.5.2. Browsing.- 3. Stems.- 3.1. Indumentum, Cortex, Cork.- 3.2. Wood, Node and Petiole Anatomy.- 4. Leaves.- 4.1. Arrangement; Leafy Short Shoots.- 4.2. Stipules.- 4.3. Blades and Petioles.- 4.4. Age and Persistence.- 4.5. Anatomy.- 4.5.1. Epidermis [incl. Trichomes and Stomata].- 4.5.2. Chlorenchyma.- 4.5.3. Bundle Sheaths and Bundle Sheath Extensions.- 5. Inflorescences.- 6. Flowers.- 6.1. Pedicels.- 6.2. Calyx.- 6.3. Corolla.- 6.4. Androecium.- 6.5. Gynoecium.- 7. Carpophores, Fruits and Seeds.- 7.1. Carpophores.- 7.2. Fruits and Seeds of Anthospermum, Galopina and Nenax.- 7.2.1. Indumentum.- 7.2.2. Persistent Calyx Lobes.- 7.2.3. Fruits Dehiscing into Two Mericarps.- 7.2.4. Indehiscent Fruits.- 7.2.5. Fruit (Mericarp) Anatomy.- 7.2.6. Seeds.- 7.3. Fruits and Seeds of Carpacoce.- 7.3.1. Morphology.- 7.3.2. Anatomy.- 7.3.3. Seeds.- 8. Embryology.- 9. Karyology.- 10. Pollen.- 11. Phytochemical Data.- 11.1. Leaf Flavonoids (by R. D. Wilson).- 11.2. Iridoid Glycosides.- 12. Reproductive Biology.- 12.1 Anemophily.- 12.2. Sex Distributions and Sex Ratios.- 12.2.1. Sex Forms of Individual Plants.- 12.2.2. Sex Ratios and Sex Distributions in Populations.- 12.2.3. Sex Distributions and Anemophily, and the Evolution of Dioecy.- 12.3. Secondary Sex Characters and Sexual Dimorphism.- 12.4. Self-Compatibility, Auto- and Geitonogamy; Parthenocarpic Fruits and the Question of Apomixis.- 12.5. Hybridization.- 12.6. Diaspore Dispersal.- 12.7. Germination Data.- 12.8. Regeneration after Fire.- D. Systematic Part.- Tribe Anthospermeae, Subtribe Anthosperminae.- Key to the African and Madagascan Genera.- Anthospermum.- Regional Keys.- A. Key to Taxa Occurring in Tropical Africa.- B. Key to Taxa Occurring in the Flora Zambesiaca and the Flora of Angola Area.- C. Key to Taxa Occurring in the Flora of Southern Africa Area Excluding the SW Cape Floristic Region.- D. Key to Taxa Occurring in the SW Cape Floristic Region.- E. Key to Taxa Occurring in Madagascar.- The Taxa.- Nenax.- Key to Species and Subspecies.- The Taxa.- Galopina.- Key to Species.- The Species.- Carpacoce.- Key to Species and Subspecies.- The Taxa.- Taxa to be Excluded.- E. Phylogenetic Relationships and Evolutionary Aspects.- 1. Relationships Within Anthospermum.- 1.1. Introductory Remarks.- 1.2. The Anthospermum usambarense Group.- 1.3. The Anthospermum spathulatum Group.- 1.4. The Anthospermum whyteanum Group.- 1.5. The Anthospermum ternatum Group.- 1.6. The Anthospermum herbaceum Group.- 1.7. The Anthospermum pumilum Group.- 1.8. Isolated SW Cape Taxa, Including General Comments on Taxa Occurring in the SW Cape Floristic Region.- 1.9. Isolated Madagascan Taxa.- 1.10. Concluding Remarks.- 2. Affinities Between Nenax and Anthospermum, and Relationships Within Nenax.- 3. Relationships Within Galopina and its Affinities to Other Antho- spermeae.- 4. The Isolated Position of Carpacoce and Relationships Within the Genus.- 5. Relationships Between Anthosperminae and Extra-African Antho- spermeae.- 6. Thoughts on the Evolution of the Anthospermeae.- Acknowledgements.- References.- Index of Taxa (in part D.).