Proceedings of the IFIP WG 5.10 Working Conference Tokyo, Japan, April 8-12, 1991
edited by Tosiyasu L. Kunii.
Springer Japan
(XI, 388 pages 286 illustrations)
IFIP series on computer graphics.
1: Disciplines of Modeling.- 1: Mathematical Modeling.- The Differential Model: A Model for Animating Transformation of Objects Using Differential Information.- Equivalence Classes in Object Shape Modeling (invited paper).- 2: Physical Modeling.- Animation of Physical Systems from Geometric, Kinematic and Dynamic Models.- An Unified View of Multitude Behaviour, Flexibility, Plasticity and Fractures Balls, Bubbles and Agglomerates.- 3: Geometric Modeling.- A NURBS Representation for Cyclides.- B-rep of Plane Regions: Pristine Problems in Computational Geometry and Topology.- Geometric Modeling System GEMS and Its Application.- 4: Solid Modeling.- Hybrid Representation of Feature-Based Models.- Boolean Operations on Solids Bounded by a Variety of Surfaces.- 5: Animation Modeling.- A Knowledge-Based Approach to the Synthesis of Human Motion.- Cloth Animation with Self-Collision Detection.- SMILE: A Multilayered Facial Animation System (invited paper).- 2: Roles of Modeling.- 6: Rendering Models.- Non-Linear Perspective Projections.- An Improved Adaptive Ray Casting Algorithm.- 7: Display Algorithms.- Pattern Translation in Images Encoded by Linear Quadtree.- A CSG Scanline Algorithm for Quadrics.- Determine Whether Two Line Segments Intersect.- 8: Visualization Models.- Realistic Image Synthesis of Complex Objects Using a Simplified Model.- Graphics Modeling as a Basic Tool for Scientific Visualization (invited paper).- 3: Modeling of Applications.- 9: Modeling of Art Painting.- Drawing Chinese Traditional Painting by Computer.- Modeling the Diffuse Paintings of `Sumie'.- 10: Modeling of Computer-Aided Design.- Interactive Data Input System for Tetrahedral Element Generation.- CAD System for Steel Frame Structures as Packing Cage (Design Expert System and Graphic Support).- A Connectionist Approach to Geometrical Constraint-Solving.- List of Contributors.- Citation Index.- Keyword Index.
In order to capture the essential features of computer graphics, fundamental methods, concepts, and techniques have been integrated into generalized models through a process known as modeling. This volume outlines the progress made in computer graphic modeling and presents previously unpublished results and surveys which will help readers better understand the concepts and applications of this fascinating subject.