Geotechnical, geological, and earthquake engineering, v. 25.
Includes index.
Geotechnical Aspects of Some Recent Disasters --; Tsunami Induced by 2011 Tohoku-Pacific Ocean Earthquake and a Possible Renewal Plan / Hideki Ohta, Susumu Iai, Yukihiro Nishida, Shu Morioka --; Tsunami Damage: What Is Unexpected? / Koji Ichii --; Past Earthquakes in Indonesia and New Seismic Hazard Maps for Earthquake Design of Buildings and Infrastructures / Masyhur Irsyam, Hendriyawan, M. Asrurifak, M. Ridwan, Fahmi Aldiamar --; Lessons Learned from the Recent Natural Disasters in Indonesia / Sri Prabandiyani Retno Wardani, Agus Setyo Muntohar --; Behavior of Slope Protection and Retaining Structures During the Wenchuan Earthquake on May 12, 2008 / Jianhui H. Deng, Fei Chen, Jinbing B. Wei, Jiajia J. Tai --; Geotechnical Predictions --; Consolidation and Creep Settlement of Embankment on Soft Clay: Prediction Versus Observation / S. Robert Lo, M.R. Karim, C.T. Gnanendran --; Numerical Simulation of Soil Structures Reinforced by Geosynthetics / Masafumi Hirata, Atsushi Iizuka, Hideki Ohta, Takayuki Yamakami --; Deformation Prediction of a Structure Placed on Soft Clay in Tokyo Bay Affected by Heavy Deep Well Pumping / Koki Matsumoto, Akira Kobayashi, Hideki Ohta. Elasto-Plastic FEM Analysis and Safety Evaluation of Large Rockfill Dams During Reservoir Filling / Tetsuo Fujiyama, Takeshi Ishiguro, Yoshihisa Uchita --; Three Dimensional Soil/Water Coupled Analysis of Reverse Concreting Excavation Work / Shigehiko Sugie, Hideki Ohta, Atsushi Iizuka --; Spatial Discretization of a Water Head in Soil-Water Coupled Finite Element Method Analysis Using the Hybrid-Type Penalty Method / Masafumi Hirata, Atsushi Iizuka, Hideki Ohta --; Theoretical Analysis for Noncoaxiality of Toyoura Sand / Shinya Tachibana, Jiro Kuwano --; Threshold of Friction Stabilizes Self-Weight Transmission in Gravitating Loose Sand Heaps / Thirapong Pipatpongsa, Hideki Ohta --; Elasto-Plastic Constitutive Model for Unsaturated Soils with Subloading Surface Concept / Shintaro Ohno, Katsuyuki Kawai, Atsushi Iizuka, Shinya Tachibana, Shin-ichi Kanazawa --; Stress-Strain Relationship for the Singular Point on the Yield Surface of the Elasto-Plastic Constitutive Model and Quantification of Metastability / Tomohide Takeyama, Thirapong Pipatpongsa, Atsushi Iizuka, Hideki Ohta. Analysis of Earth Pressure Problems by Upper and Lower Equilibrium Methods / Akira Nishihara, Shinji Shimamoto, Hideki Ohta --; Geotechnical Practices in Dealing with Geo-hazards --; Rehabilitation of the Old Rossio Railway Station Building: Enlargement and Underpinning / Pedro Simão Sêco e Pinto, João Barradas, Arlindo Sousa --; Analysis of Slope Stability and Landslide in Seismic Active Regions / Askar Zhussupbekov, Rauan Ermagambetovich Lukpanov --; Recent Developments of PVD Soft Ground Improvement: Laboratory Test Results and Simulations / Dennes T. Bergado, Suthasinee Artidteang, Jaturonk Saowapakpiboon --; Study on Regional Ground Upheaval Phenomenon Caused by the Rising of Groundwater Level and Its Effect on Underground Infrastructure / Sokkheang Sreng, Hiroshi Tanaka, Teijiro Saito, Takuya Kusaka --; A Robust Control Approach for Decision Making and Reliability Design of Soil Structures / Takeshi Sato, Takeshi Nagae, Hirofumi Nishida --; Development of a Portable Triaxial Testing Apparatus--Smart Triaxial / Eiki Nakayama, Ichizo Kobayashi, Atsushi Iizuka, Moriyuki Taya --; Innovation in Disaster Mitigation Technologies / Jian Chu.
The recent earthquake disasters in Japan and a series of other disasters in the world have highlighted again the need for more reliable geotechnical prediction and better methods for geotechnical design and in particular dealing with geohazards. This book provides a timely review and summaries of the recent advances in theories, analyses and methods for geotechnical predictions and the most up-to-date practices in geotechnical engineering and particularly in dealing with geohazards. A special section on the geotechnical aspects of the recent Tohoku earthquake disaster in Japan is also presented in this book. Key Features: This book is written by a group of internationally renowned researchers and practioners to honour and mark the 40 years' contribution of one of the greatest educators, researchers and engineers in the world, Professor Hideki Ohta, to geotechnical engineering. Professor Ohta is presently professor at Chou University after his retirement from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. The book provides some first-hand information on the 2011 Tohuko earthquake disasters in Japan, the most recent update on the theories and methods for geotechnical analyses and predictions, and the latest methods and practices in geotechnical engineering, in particular, dealing with geotechnical hazard. It is a rare occasion for some 30 plus international authorities to write on their best topic that they have been working on for years. The book is a must-have collection for any libraries and professionals in geotechnical engineering.
Environmental geotechnology -- Congresses.
Geotechnical engineering -- Congresses.
Natural disasters -- Congresses.
Jian Chu, Sri P.R. Wardani, Atsushi Iizuka, editors.