Hormonal Regulation of Plant Growth and Development
edited by S.S. Purohit.
Springer Netherlands
(440 pages)
Advances in agricultural biotechnology, 16.
Nutritional Theories of Senescence.- Retardents of Senescence.- Cytokinins.- Gibberellins.- Auxins.- Other Retardants of Senescence.- Promotors of Senescence.- Abscisic Acid.- Ethylene.- Correlative Changes in the Levels of Retardants and Pro-motors of Senescence.- Phytochrome and Senescence.- Mechanism of Hormonal Control of Senescence.- The Question of the Receptor Cell.- Hormonal Interactions.- Lipids and Membranes.- Respiration.- Protein Level and Nutrient Transport.- Nucleic acid and Protein Synthesis.- Other Biochemical Changes.- Chloroplast in Senescence.- Hormonal Regulation of Ion Transport in Plants.- Effect of Plant Hormones on K+/H+ Antiport.- Effects of Plant Hormones on Ion Transport in Excised Plant Tissues.- Auxins.- Gibberellic Acid.- Abscisic Acid.- Action of ABA on Stomatal Guard Cell Mechanism.- Effects of ABA on Water Transport and Hydralulic Conductivity and its Relation to Ion Transport.- Effects of ABA on Ion Transport in Excised Tissue.- Kinins.- Action of Kinins on Water Transport and Hydraulic Conductivity.- Effects on Ion Transport.- Effects of Plant Hormones on Ion Transport in Whole Plants.- Action of Fusicoccin on Ion Transport.- Possible Mechanism of Hormonal Regulation of Ion Transport.- Effects of Plant Hormones on Transmembrane Potential.- Effects of Hormones on Permeability Characteristics of Membranes.- Effects of Hormones on Ion Pump and Carrier Mechanism.- Effects of Hormones on Metabolic Processes Involved in Ion Transport.- Role of Endogenous Hormonal Level in Ion Transport.- Growth Regulating Activity of Penicillin in Higher Plants.- Chemistry and biosynthesis.- Induction of ?-amylase and Ribonuclease Synthesis.- Synthesis and Retention of Chloroplast Pigments.- Effects on Leaf Morphology, Stem Circumference and Internode Length.- Levels of Endogenous Gibberellins and Cytokinins.- Effect on DNA, RNA and Protein Synthesis.- Promotion of root growth and development.- Regulation of Growth and Embryo-genesis in Cultured Carrot Callus Tissue.- Probable Mode of Action.- Conclusion.- Physiology and Biochemistry of Ethylene.- Outline of Ethylene Research.- Analysis of Ethylene.- Ethylene as a Plant Hormone.- Ethylene as a Ripening Hormone.- The Kinds of Stress Produced Ethylene.- Disease.- Physical Stress.- Autocaialytic Ethylene Formation (Ethylene Stress.- Ethylene Formation in Soils.- Biosynthesis of Ethylene.- Pre-historic age of Ethylene Biosynthesis.- Technological Innovation of Ethylene Biosynthesis.- The Non-enzymatic Approach of Ethylene Formation.- Establishment of Methionine as a Precursor of Ethylene.- Appearance of ACC as a New Precursor.- Biochemical Action of Ethylene.- Molecular Requirement of Ethylene Action.- Mechanism of Ethylene Action.- Ribosomes as a Target.- Abscission.- Chlorophyll Degradation.- Fait of Ethylene in vivo.- Conclusion.- Plant Responses to Ethylene and Ethylene Releasing Compounds.- Mode of Action of Ethylene.- Effects of Ethylene on Plant Metabolism.- Involvement of Ethylene in Plant Growth.- Ethylene Related Plant Growth Regulators.- Application of Ethylene Related Plant Growth Regulators in Agriculture and Horticulture.- Stimulation of Ripening.- Stimulation of Latex in Hevea Trees.- Flower Induction in Bromeliaceae.- Abscission.- Stimulation of Germination.- Induction of Female Flowers.- Prevention of Lodging in Cereals.- Growth Inhibition.- Male Sterility.- Other Effects of Ethylene Growth Regulators.- Factors Influencing the Performance of Ethylene Plant Growth Regulators.- Outlook.- Ethylene and Other Plant Hormones in Thigmomorphogenesis and Tendril Thigmonasty.- Thigmomorphogenesis.- The role of Ethylene in Thigmomorphogensis.- Physiological Systems.- Interaction with Other Physiological System.- Ethylene Production.- The Endomembrane System.- Other Hormone in Thigmomorphogenesis.- The Role of Gibberellins.- The Role of Abscisic Acid.- The Role of Auxin.- AModel of the Involvement of Phytohormones.- Thigmonasty in Tendrils.- Hormonal Regulation of the Gravitropic Response in Pulvini of Grass Shoots.- The Grass Pulvinus and its Response to Gravistimulation.- Paucity of Lignin and Biogenic Silica in the Grass Pulvinus.- Growth Response of Gravistimulated Pulvini in Avena and Hordeum.- Cellular Basis of the Gravitropic Curvature Response in the Grass Pulvinus.- Preception of Gravity by Starch Statoliths in the grass Pulvinus.- Gravitropic Response in Grass Pulvini Treated with different Hormones.- Auxin and its Conjugates.- Effects of exogenously supplied Gas.- Ethylene.- Changes in Endogenous Hormones during Gravistimulation.- Native IAA.- Native Gas.- Ethylene.- An overall Model for Hormonal Regulation of the Gravitropic Response in Grass Pulvini.- Implication for the future.- Basic studies on Gravitropic Response in Cereal Grains and their Agricultural Significance.- Space Biology and Growth of Grasses in Near Null Gravity of outer Space.- Hormonal Regulation of Root Formation.- Factors Affecting Rooting Response.- Mechanism of Root Formation.- Plant Hormones in Relation to Air Pollution Injury.- Air Pollution and Hormonal Metabolism.- Amelioration from Air Pollution Injury by Plant Hormones.- Hormonal Regulation of Plant Growth and Development: Problems and Prespectives.
The Molecular Basis of Hormone Action.- The Implication of the Kinetics of Hormone Action.- Relationship between Molecular Structure and Biological Activity.- Auxins.- Gibberellins.- Cytokinins.- Ethylene.- Abscisic acid.- Terpenoids and Steroids.- Brassins.- Non protein amino acids.- Miscellaneous.- The Probable site of Hormone Action.- DNA: Auxin.- Other hormones.- RNA.- Protein: Auxin.- Cytokinins.- Gibberellins.- ABA.- Ethylene.- Biological Significance of receptors.- Lipids.- Carbohydrate.- Myoinsitol.- Amino acids.- Hormone action and Synthesis of RNA and Protein.- Nature of Cell growth.- The Primary and Fast Reactions.- Energy Implication of Hormone Action.- The Problems and Paradoxes of Hormone Action.- Hormonal Regulation of Flowering.- Hormonal Regulation of Flowering in Intact Plants: Short-day Plants, Xanthium strumarium.- Pharbitisnil.- Perilla.- Chenopodium rubrum.- Lemna paucicostata 6746.- Glycine max.- Kalanchoe blossfldiana.- Chrysanthemum morifolium.- Impatiens blasa-mina.- Other Short-day Plants.- Long-day Plants.- Silene armeria.- Lemna gibba G3.- Lolium temulentum.- Hyosyanus niger.- Rudbeckia.- Spnapis alba.- Spincia oleracea.- Arabidopsis thaliana.- Other Long-day Plants.- Cold Requiring Plants.- Chrysanthemum morifolium.- Althaea rosea.- Other Cold-requiring Plants.- Other Plants.- Ananas comosus.- Bryophyllum.- Short-long-day Plants.- Pisum sativum.- Hormonal Regulation of in vitro Flowering.- Apex Culture.- Callus Culture.- Organ Culture.- Nicotiana tabacum.- Cichorium intybus.- Plumbago indica.- Streptocarpus nobilis.- Torenia fournieri.- Other cases.- Hormones in Seed Dormancy and Germination.- The Imposed Dormancy.- The Innate Dormancy.- The Phasic Character of Germination.- Hypotheses and Generaliz?tions Concerning Involvement of Hormones in Dormancy and Germination Control.- The Inhibitor Hypothesis.- Inhibitor-promotor equilibrium.- Hypothesis on the Selective Roles of Hormones.- Metabolic Events during Dormancy Removal and Germination.- Membranes.- Nucleic acid and Protein Synthesis.- Enzyme Activation.- Mobilization of Storage Materials.- Energy Generation.- Metabolic Regulation.- Environmental Control of the Dormancy removal and Germination.- Chains of Events during Dormancy Removal and Germination.- Metabolic Events during the Cold Mediated Removal of apple Seed Dormancy.- Metabolic Events during Germination of Isolated apple Embryos Stimulated by Light.- Causal Chains leading to Growth Initiation.- Hormonal Control of Enzyme Secretion by Plant Cells.- The Mechanism of Protein Secretion.- The Control of Secretion.- Hormonal Effects.- ?-amylase from Cereal Aleurone Cells.- Peroxidases.- Hormonal Regulation of Senescence.- Some Methodological Problems.- Hormonal vs.