Proceedings of 26th International Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science, held at Prague, 5-8 April 1982
edited by R. Neuhäusl, H. Dierschke, J.J. Barkman.
Springer Netherlands
(280 pages)
Advances in vegetation science, 5.
Eröffnung des Symposiums --; Opening Speech --; Quantitative phytogeography of the Yukon Territory (NW Canada) on a chorological-phyto-sociological basis --; Chorological phenomena in spruce and beech communities --; Chorological and ecological phenomena in the differentiation and distribution of the Fagion associations in Bohemia and Moravia --; L'intérêt chorologique de quelques groupements forestiérs du Morvan, France --; Geographical variation in associations of juniper scrub in the central European plain --; Données synchorologiques sur la végétation littorale européenne --; Liens entre chorologie et différenciation de quelques associations du Mesobromion erecti d'Europe occidentale et centrale --; Chorologische Phänomene in Wasserpflanzengesellschaften Mitteleuropas --; Chorological phenomena of the Molinietalia communities in Czechoslovakia --; The chorologic pattern of European Nardus-rich communities --; Communities of Berteroa incana in Europe and their geographical differentiation --; Syntaxonomische Wertung chorologischer Phänomene --; Floristic relationship between plant communities of corresponding habitats in southeast Greenland and alpine Scandinavia --; Corresponding Caricion bicolori-atrofuscae communities in western Greenland, northern Europe and the central European mountains --; Vegetation structure and microclimate of three Dutch Calthion palustris communities under different climatic conditions --; Anthropogenous areal extension of central European woody species on the British Isles and its significance for the judgement of the present potential natural vegetation --; Die Fagus-Sippen Europas und ihre geographisch-soziologische Korrelation zur Verbreitung der Assoziationen des Fagion s.l. --; Die zönologischen Verhältnisse der dazischen und dazisch-balkanischen Arten aus dem rumänischen Karpatenraum --; Ozeanische Florenelemente in aquatischen Pflanzengesellschaften der D.D.R. --; Contributions to the sociology and chorology of contrasting plant communities in the southern part of the 'Wienerwald' (Austria) --; Some synchorological aspects of basiphilous pine forests in Fennoscandia --; Floristic changes in the Castanopsis cuspidata var. sieboldii-forest communities along the Pacific Ocean coast of the Japanese Islands --; The occurrence of communities with species of Ranunculus subgenus Batrachium in central Europe --; preliminary remarks --; Expansion and retreat of aquatic macrophyte communities in south Bohemian fishponds during 35 years (1941-1976) --; Discussions --; List of participants --; List of lectures --; Author index.
Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium of the International Association for Vegetation Science, held at Prague, 5-8 April 1982
Life sciences.
Plant ecology.
edited by R. Neuhäusl, H. Dierschke, J.J. Barkman.