1. Introduction --; 2. General description of Tasek Bera --; 2.1 Locality and physiography (R.P. Lim and J.I. Furtado) --; 2.2 Origin and history (R.J. Morley) --; 2.3 Climate (R.P. Lim and J.I. Furtado) --; 2.4 Study area and stations (T. Mizuno, R.P. Lim, I. Ikusima and J.I. Furtado) --; 2.5 Land utilisation (R.P. Lim and J.I. Furtado) --; 3. Environmental conditions --; 3.1 Physical properties (I. Ikusima and R.P. Lim) --; 3.2 Chemical properties (R.P. Lim, J.I. Furtado and O. Sato) --; 3.3 Diel behaviour (R.P. Lim and J.I. Furtado) --; 3.4 Daily behaviour (R.P. Lim and J.I. Furtado) --; 3.5 Geochemical aspects of the aquatic environment Sato) --; 4. Decomposition --; 4.1 Distribution and activity of microbes (Y. Tezuka) --; 4.2 Decomposition of plants (O. Sato) --; 4.3 Origin of black water (O. Sato) --; 5. Primary production (I. Ikusima and J.I. Furtado) --; 5.1 Classification of primary producers (I. Ikusima) --; 5.2 Population density and standing crop (I. Ikusima, R.P. Lim and J.I. Furtado) --; 5.3 Structure of Lepironia stands (I. Ikusima) --; 5.4 Growth of Lepironia (I. Ikusima) --; 5.5 Photosynthetic production (I. Ikusima, R.P. Lim and T. Okino) --; 5.6 Production estimates based on oxygen dynamics in a closed water column (I. Ikusima) --; 6. Secondary production --; 6.1 Introduction --; 6.2 Zooplankton (T. Mizuno, H. Fernando and R.P. Lim) --; 6.3 Benthos and attached animals (T. Mizuno, K. Gose, R.P. Lim and J.I. Furtado) --; 6.4 Shrimps, crabs and molluscs (T. Mizuno) --; 6.5 Grasshoppers and spiders (T. Mizuno) --; 7. Ecological notes on fishes --; 7.1 Composition of fish communities (N. Mizuno, R.P. Lim, Y. Shiraishi, M. Nagai and J.I. Furtado) --; 7.2 Fish associations in relation to habitat types (N. Mizuno, R.P. Lim, M. Nagai, Y. Shiraishi and J.I. Furtado) --; 7.3 Diurnal rhythm of activity (N. Mizuno, R.P. Lim, M. Nagai, Y. Shiraishi and J.I. Furtado) --; 7.4 Food habits (N. Mizuno, R.P. Lim, Y. Shiraishi, M. Nagai and J.I. Furtado) --; 7.5 Seasonal growth rates of several fishes (N. Mizuno, R.P. Lim, N. Nagai and J.I. Furtado) --; 8. General discussion --; 8.1 Food chain (T. Mizuno and J.I. Furtado) --; 8.2 Biogeochemical cycling --; 8.3 Productivity (I. Ikusima, J.I. Furtado, S. Mori, T. Mizuno and Y. Tezuka) --; 8.4 Conservation and management (S. Mori and J.I. Furtado) --; Appendix I --; Appendix II --; References.
J.I. Furtado and S. Mori This volume, 'Tasek Bera, the ecology of a tropical freshwater swamp', is a monograph based on research at Tasek Bera, under the auspices of the International Biological Programme (lBP) involving Japanese and Malaysian scientists under the sponsorship of the Malaysian National Committee for the IBP (MNC-IBP) which was initiated by the Malaysian Scientific Association (MSA). This collaboration was initiated by one of us (S. Mori) in 1966 at the Scientific Committee for Freshwater Productivity (PF) of the International Biological Programme (SCIBP) of the International Council of Scientific Unions (lCSU). It involved discussions between the Japanese National ComƯ mittee for the IBP (JIBP) and the Malaysian National Committee for the IBP (MNC-IBP) and their respe.