Advances in Magnetospheric Physics With Geos-1 and Isee.
Knott, K.
Springer Verlag
The GEOS-1 Mission.- I: GEOS-1 Wave and Field Experiments.- For GEOS S-300 Experimenters/Introduction to the S-300 Wave Experiment Onboard GEOS.- Measurements of Quasi-Static Electric Fields between 3 and 7 Earth Radii on GEOS-1.- ULF Waves Observed with Magnetic and Electric Sensors on GEOS-1.- VLF Electromagnetic Waves Observed Onboard GEOS-1.- GEOS-1 Observations of Electrostatic Waves, and their Relationship with Plasma Parameters.- Banded Electron Cyclotron Harmonic Instability - A First Comparison of Theory and Experiment.- VLF Waves: Conjugated Ground-Satellite Relationships.- ULF Waves: Conjugated Gound-Satellite Relationships.- Reception of the NKL (Jim Creek) Transmitter Onboard GEOS-1.- Observation on GEOS-1 of 10.2 to 13.6 kHz Ground Based Transmitter Signals.- Ground-Based ELF/VLF Observations at High Latitudes during Passes of GEOS-1 and ISEE-1 and -2.- The Uses of Past and Present Magnetospheric Field Models for Mapping Fluxes and Calculating Conjugate Points.- II: GEOS-1 Plasma and Particle Experiments.- Observations of Substorm-Associated Particle-Flux Variationas at 6?L?8 with GEOS-1.- Some Early Results of the keV Plasma Experiment on GEOS-1.- Dynamics of Magnetospheric Ion Composition as Observed by the GEOS Mass Spectrometer.- Thermal/Suprathermal Plasmas Observed by the S-302 Experiment on GEOS-1.- Electron Density and Temperature, as Measured by the Mutual Impedance Experiment on Board GEOS-1.- Plasma Density Measurements from the GEOS-1 Relaxation Sounder.- Small Scale Structure of Magnetospheric Electron Density Through On-Line Tracking of Plasma Resonances.- Multi-Experiment Determination of Plasma Density and Temperature.- Substorm-Associated Injections of Energetic Ions Observed by GEOS-1 and ATS-6 in and near Synchronous Altitude.- Observations of Low-Energy Electrons from AE-C in the South Polar Cusp durnig the Geomagnetic Storm of September 21, 1977.- DMSP-F2 Observations of Cusplike Electron Precipitation Regions during the September 19-21, 1977 Event.- to the ISEE Mission.- III: Magnetopause And Magnetosheath Observations.- Initial ISEE Magnetometer Results: Magnetopause Observations.- ISEE Plasma Observations near the Subsolar Magnetopause.- Three-Dimensional Plasma Measurements within the Earth's Magnetosphere.- Dual Spacecraft Observations of Energetic Particles in the Vicinity of the Magnetopause, Bow Shock, and the Interplanetary Medium.- Early Results from ISEE-1 Electric Field Measurements.- Electric Field Measurements in the Solar Wind, Bow Shock, Magnetosheath, Magnetopause, and Magnetosphere.- Three-Dimensional Energetic Ion Observations and the Tangential Magnetopause Electric Field.- IV: Solar Wind and Bow Shock Observations.- Initial ISEE Magnetometer Results: Shock Observation.- Early Results from the ISEE Electron Density Experiment.- Preliminary Results from the Solar Wind Experiment on the ISEE-2 Satellite.- High Temporal Resolution Observations of Electron Heating at the Bow Shock.- Initial Observations of Low Energy Charged Particles Near the Earth's Bow Shock on ISEE-1.- Initial Results from the ISEE-1 and -2 Plasma Wave Investigation.- First Results from the Six-Axis Electron Spectrometer on ISEE-1.