Published on behalf of the Société universitaire européenne de recherches finacières (SUERF)."Papers ... presented at the seventeenth colloquium arranged by the Société universitaire européenne de recherches financières (SUERF), which took place in Berlin in October 1992--Preface.Originally published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 1993.Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 1993.
pt. A. Opening addresses --; pt. B. Privatization, industrial organization --; pt. C. Banking and financial reform and the regulatory issue --; pt. D. Central banking and monetary policy; the anchor problem --; pt. E. Economic adjustment, balance of payments and east-west relations --; pt. F. Concluding address.
Banks and banking -- Europe -- Congresses.
Finance -- Europe -- Congresses.
Privatization -- Europe -- Congresses.
edited by Donald E. Fair and Robert J. Raymond ; with contributions from Palle Anderson [and others].
Donald E Fair
Robert Raymond, directeur geÌneÌral adjoint.
Société universitaire européenne de recherches financières.