One Patterns.- 1 Habitat structure: the evolution and diversification of a complex topic.- 1.1 'Habitat structure' in ecology.- 1.2 A graphical model of 'habitat structure'.- 2 Development of habitat structure through succession in an Amazonian floodplain forest.- 2.1 Riparian primary succession in upper Amazonia: an overview.- 2.2 Methods.- 2.3 Results.- 2.4 Discussion.- 2.5 Conclusions.- 3 Habitat diversity and the species-area relationship: alternative models and tests.- 3.1 Alternative models of the species-area relationship.- 3.2 Protocols for the separation of causal mechanisms.- 3.3 Conclusions.- 4 Fractal geometry of ecological habitats.- 4.1 The geometry of simple fractals.- 4.2 Self-similarity and ways of estimating fractal dimensions.- 4.3 Ecological consequences of fractals.- 4.4 Size distributions.- 4.5 Range distributions.- 4.6 Abundance distributions.- 4.7 The reddened spectrum.- 4.8 Conclusions.- 5 The effect of habitat structure on the spatial distribution of freshwater invertebrate populations.- 5.1 Zooplankton.- 5.2 Profundal benthos.- 5.3 Littoral benthic invertebrates.- 5.4 Unionid mussels in the sandy littoral zone.- 5.5 Conclusions.- Two Responses: colonization, succession, resource use.- 6 Habitat structure and morphological patterns in arboreal vertebrates.- 6.1 Habitat structure and locomotion.- 6.2 Locomotion and morphology.- 6.3 Conclusions.- 7 Microtopography as habitat structure for mosses on rocks.- 7.1 The advantage of simplicity.- 7.2 Scheme for functional analysis.- 7.3 Quantifying habitat structure.- 7.4 Correlating habitat structure and community structure.- 7.5 Correlation of habitat structure and resource availability.- 7.6 The functional link between habitat and community structure.- 7.7 Conclusions.- 8 The effects of changes in habitat structure during succession in terrestrial communities.- 8.1 Changes in habitat structure during succession.- 8.2 Effects of changing habitat structure on associated organisms.- 8.3 Conclusions.- 9 Influence of patch size, vegetation texture, and host plant architecture on the diversity, abundance, and life history styles of sap-feeding herbivores.- 9.1 Responses of insect herbivores to vegetation texture and architectural complexity: an overview.- 9.2 Species-area relationships for sap-feeders.- 9.3 Sap-feeder abundance and patch size.- 9.4 Abundance-area relationships explained by life-history characteristics.- 9.5 Host plant density and vegetation diversity.- 9.6 Architectural complexity and sap-feeder richness.- 9.7 Architectural complexity, habitat persistence and sap-feeder life histories.- 9.8 Other considerations.- 9.9 Conclusions.- 10 Habitat structure and recruitment in coral reef fishes.- 10.1 Segregation of fish species among habitats.- 10.2 Recruitment of reef fishes.- 10.3 Habitat responses at settlement.- 10.4 Variability in recruitment.- 10.5 Habitat structure and the structure of reef fish assemblages.- 10.6 Conclusions.- 11 Habitat structure and community dynamics in marine benthic systems.- 11.1 Examples from marine benthic systems.- 11.2 Processes connecting habitat structure and community dynamics.- Three Responses: predation, parasitism, disturbance.- 12 The influence of fire periodicity on habitat structure.- 12.1 The ecology of fire.- 12.2 Effects of fire on habitat heterogeneity and plant structure.- 12.3 Post-fire habitat structure and mechanisms of regeneration.- 12.4 Post-fire animal responses to vegetation structure.- 12.5 Case studies.- 12.6 Conclusions.- 13 A new look at habitat structure: consequences of herbivore-modified plant architecture.- 13.1 How herbivores influence plant architecture.- 13.2 Consequences for plants of architecture modified as a result of herbivory.- 13.3 Consequences for herbivores of architecture modified as a result of herbivory.- 13.4 Herbivore-modified architecture and the evolution of plant form.- 13.5 Conclusions.- 14 Habitat structure and predator-prey interactions in vegetated aquatic systems.- 14.1 Vegetation properties.- 14.2 Individual prey and predator characteristics.- 14.3 Food web interactions in complex aquatic habitats.- 14.4 Marine-freshwater comparisons.- 14.5 Conclusions.- 15 The influence of habitat structure on the transmission of parasites.- 15.1 Habitat structure: the parasite's perspective.- 15.2 Modes of parasite transmission.- 15.3 Influence of habitat structure on transmission: some examples.- 15.4 Conclusions.- 16 Habitat structure and spider foraging.- 16.1 Relationships between spiders and habitat structure.- 16.2 Spider diversity and habitat structure.- 16.3 The influence of habitat structure at the species, population, and individual level.- 16.4 Current research on spider behaviour and habitat structure.- 16.5 Conclusions.- 17 The influence of habitat structure and environmental stability on the species diversity of polychaetes in vermetid reefs.- 17.1 Habitat structure, environmental stability and species diversity.- 17.2 Exploring the effect of structure and disturbance on diversity.- 17.3 An example: polychaete communities in vermetid reefs.- 17.4 Role of disturbance: Nereididae subset of the polychaete assemblage.- 17.5 Discussion.- Four Applications.- 18 Habitat structure and the design of nature reserves.- 18.1 Species-area relationships, syntaxa, habitats and shape.- 18.2 An example: limestone pavements in Yorkshire.- 18.3 Discussion.- 18.4 Conclusions.- 19 The ecology and structure of urban greenspaces.- 19.1 Urban landscapes and agricultural landscapes.- 19.2 Origins and structure of urban greenspaces.- 19.3 Urban greenspaces as 'edge' communities.- 19.4 Two approaches to urban ecology.- 19.5 Conclusions.- 20 Habitat structure and the design of artificial reefs.- 20.1 Methods.- 20.2 Results.- 20.3 Discussion and conclusions.- 21 Habitat structure: synthesis and perspectives.- Species index.
edited by Susan S. Bell, Earl D. McCoy, Henry R. Mushinsky.