1. Whole numbers --; Read and write whole numbers --; 1.1. Education pays --; Compare whole numbers using inequality symbols --; Round whole numbers to specified place values --; Use rounding for estimation --; Classify whole numbers as even or odd, prime, or composite --; Solve problems involving whole numbers --; 1.2. Bald eagle population increasing again --; Read tables --; Read bar graphs --; Interpret bar graphs --; Construct graphs --; 1.3. Bald eagles revisited --; Add whole numbers by hand and mentally --; Subtract whole number by hand and mentally --; Estimate sums and differences using rounding --; Recognize the associative property and the commutative property for addition --; Translate a written statement into an arithmetic expression --; 1.4. Summer camp --; Multiply whole numbers and check calculations using a calculator --; Multiply whole numbers using the distributive property --; Estimate the product of whole numbers by rounding --; Recognize the associative and commutative properties for multiplication --; 1.5. College supplies --; Divide whole numbers by grouping --; Divide whole numbers by hand and by calculator --; Estimate the quotient of whole numbers by rounding --; Recognize that division is not commutative --; 1.6. Reach for the stars --; Use exponential notation --; Factor whole numbers --; Determine the prime factorization of a whole number --; Recognize square numbers and roots of square numbers --; Recognize cubed numbers --; Apply the multiplication rule for numbers in exponential form with the same base --; You and your calculator --; Use order of operations to evaluate arithmetic expressions. 2. Variables and problem solving --; 2.1. How much do I need to buy? --; Recognize and understand the concept of a variable in context and symbolically --; Translate a written statement (verbal rule) into a statement involving variables (symbolic rule) --; Evaluate variable expressions --; Apply formulas (area, perimeter, and others) to solve contextual problems --; 2.2. How high will it go? --; Recognize the input / output relationship between variables in a formula or equation (two variables only) --; Generate a table of input and corresponding output values from a given equation, formula, or situation --; Read, interpret, and plot points in rectangular coordinates that are obtained from evaluating a formula or equation --; 2.3. Are you balanced? --; Translate contextual situations and verbal statements into equations --; Apply the fundamental principle of equality to solve equations of the forms x + a = b, a + x = b and x --; a = b --; 2.4. How far will you go? How long will it take? --; Apply the fundamental principle of equality to solve equations in the form ax = b, a does not equal o --; Translate contextual situations and verbal statements into equations --; Use the relationship rate . time = amount in various contexts --; 2.5. Web devices for sale --; Identify like terms --; Combine like terms using the distributive property --; Solve equations of the form ax + bx = c --; 2.6. Make me an offer --; Use the basic steps for problem solving --; Translate verbal statements into algebraic equations --; Use the basic principles of algebra to solve real-world problems. 3. Problem solving with integers --; 3.1. On the negative side --; Recognize integers --; Represent quantities in real-world situations using integers --; Represent integers on the number line --; Compare integers --; Calculate absolute values of integers --; 3.2. Maintaining your balance --; Add and subtract integers --; Identify properties of addition and subtraction of integers --; 3.3. What's the bottom line? --; Write formulas from verbal statements --; Evaluate expressions in formulas --; Solve equations of the form x + b = c and b --; x = c --; Solve formulas for a given variable --; 3.4. Riding in the wind --; Translate verbal rules into equations --; Determine an equation from a table of values --; Use a rectangular coordinate system to represent and equation graphically --; 3.5. Are your physically fit? --; Multiply and divide integers --; Perform calculations that involve a sequence of operations --; Apply exponents to integers --; Identify properties of calculations that involve multiplication and division with zero --; 3.6. Integers and Tiger Woods --; Use order of operations with expressions that involve integers --; Apply the distributive property --; Evaluate algebraic expressions and formulas using integers --; Combine like terms --; Solve equations of the form ax -b, where a does not equal o, that involve integers --; Solve equations of the form ax + bx = c, where a + b does not equal o, that involve integers. 4. Problem solving with fractions --; 4.1. Are you hungry? --; Identify the numerator and the denominator of a fraction --; determine the greatest common factor (GCF) --; Determine equivalent fractions --; Reduce fractions to equivalent fractions in lowest terms --; Determine the least common denominator (LCD) of two or more fractions --; Compare fractions --; 4.2. Get your homestead land --; Multiply and divide fractions --; Recognize the sign of a fraction --; Determine the reciprocal of a fraction --; Solve equations of the form ax = b, a does not equal o, that involve fractions --; 4.3. On the road with fractions --; Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator --; Add and subtract fractions with different denominators --; Solve equations in the form x + b = c and x --; b = c that involve fractions --; 4.4. Hanging with fractions --; Calculate powers and square roots of fractions --; Evaluate equations that involve powers --; Evaluate equations that involve square roots --; Use order of operations to calculate numerical expressions that involve fractions --; Use the distributive property with fractions --; Solve equations of the form ax + bx = c with fraction coefficients. 5. Problem solving with mixed numbers and decimals --; Mixed numbers and improper fractions --; 5.1. Food for thought --; Determine equivalent fractions --; Add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with the same denominator --; Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and improper fractions to mixed numbers --; 5.2. Mixing with denominators --; Determine the least common denominator (LCD) for two or more mixed numbers --; Add and subtract mixed numbers with different denominators --; Solve equations in the form x + b = c and x --; b = c that involve mixed numbers --; 5.3. Tiling the bathroom --; Multiply and divide mixed numbers --; Evaluate expressions with mixed numbers --; Calculate the square root of a mixed number --; Solve equations of the form ax + b = o, a does not equal o, that involve mixed numbers --; Decimals --; 5.4. What are you made of? --; Identify place values of numbers written in decimal form --; Convert a decimal to a fraction or a mixed number, and vice versa --; Classify decimals --; Compare decimals --; Read and write decimals --; Round decimals --; 5.5. Dive into decimals --; Add and subtract decimals --; Compare and interpret decimals --; Solve equations of the type x + b = c and x --; b = c that involve decimals --; 5.6. Quality points and GPA: tracking academic standing --; Multiply and divide decimals --; Estimate products and quotients that involve decimals --; 5.7. Tracking temperature --; Use the order of operations to evaluate expressions that include decimals --; Use the distributive property in calculations that involve decimals --; Evaluate formulas that include decimals --; Solve equations of the form ax = b and ax + bx = c that involve decimals --; 5.8 Think metric --; Know the metric prefixes and their decimal values --; Convert measurements between metric quantities. 6. Problem solving with ratios, proportions, and percents --; 6.1. Everything is relative --; Understand the distinction between actual and relative measure --; Write a ration in its verbal, fraction, decimal and percent formats --; 6.2.
Four out of five dentists prefer the Brooklyn Dodgers? --; Recognize that equivalent fractions lead to a proportion --; Use a proportion to solve a problem that involves ratios --; 6.3. The devastation of AIDS in Africa --; Use proportional reasoning to apply a known ratio to a given piece of information --; Write an equation using the relationship ratio times total = part and then solve the resulting equation --; 6.4. Who really did better? --; Define actual and relative change --; Distinguish between actual and relative change --; 6.5. Don't forget the sales tax --; Define and determine decay factors --; Use growth factors in problems that involve percent increases --; 6.6. It's all on sale! --; Define and determine decay factors --; Use decay factors in problems that involve percent decreases --; 6.7. Take an additional 20% off --; Apply consecutive growth and / or decay factors to problems that involve two or more percent changes --; 6.8. Fuel economy --; Apply rates directly to solve problems --; Use proportions to solve problems that involve rates --; Use unit analysis or dimensional analysis to solve problems that involve consecutive rates. 7. Problem solving with geometry --; 7.1. Walking around bases, gardens, and other figures --; Recognize perimeter as a geometric property of plane figures --; Write formulas for, and calculate perimeters of, squares, rectangles, triangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, and polygons --; Use unit analysis to solve problems that involve perimeters --; 7.2. Circles are everywhere --; Develop and use formulas for calculating circumferences of circles --; 7.3. Lance Armstrong and you --; Calculate perimeters of many-sided plane figures using formulas and combinations of formulas --; Use unit analysis to solve problems that involve perimeters --; 7.4. Baseball diamonds, gardens, and other figures revisited --; Write formulas for areas of squares, rectangles, parallelograms, triangles, trapezoids, and polygons --; Calculate areas of polygons using appropriate formulas --; 7.5. How big is that circle? Develop formulas for the area of a circle --; Use the formulas to determine areas of circles --; 7.6. A new pool and other home improvements --; Solve problems in context using geometric formulas --; Distinguish between problems that require area formulas and those that require perimeter formulas --; 7.7. How about Pythagoras? --; Verify and use the Pythagorean Theorem for right triangles --; Calculate the square root of numbers other than perfect squares --; Use the Pythagorean Theorem to solve problems --; Determine the distance between two points using the distance formula --; 7.8. Painting your way through summer --; Recognize geometric properties of three-dimensional figures--; Write formulas for and calculate surface ares of rectangular prisms (boxes), right circular cylinders (cans), and spheres (balls) --; 7.9. Truth in labeling --; Write formulas for and calculate volumes of rectangular prisms (boxes) and right circular cylinders (cans) --; Recognize geometric properties of three-dimensional figures. 8. Problem solving with mathematical models --; 8.1. A model of fitness --; Describe a mathematical situation as a set of verbal statements --; Translate verbal rules into symbolic equations --; Solve problems that involve equations of the form y = ax + b --; Solve equations of the form y = ax + b for the input x --; Evaluate the expression ax + b in an equation of the form y = ax + b to obtain the output y --; 8.2. Comparing energy costs --; Write symbolic equations from information organized in a table --; Produce tables and graphs to compare outputs from two different mathematical models --; Solve equations of the form ax + b = cx + d --; 8.3. Mathematical modeling --; Develop an equation to model and solve a problem --; Solve problems using formulas as models --; Recognize patterns and trends between two variables using a table as a model --; Recognize patterns and trends between two variables using a graph as a model.