perspectives on airpower and the profession of arms
compiled by Charles W. Westenhoff [and others].
Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.
Air University Press
vi, 63 pages : illustrations ; 13 cm
"August 2007."; "The aim of this pocket-size and shorter version of Military Airpower: A Revised Digest of Airpower Opinions and Thoughts is to supply Airmen with useful thoughts that might help them meet their known responsibilities and the unknown challenges their service will bring."--AU Press web site.
Theory of war --; Patriotism --; Air, space, and cyber power --; Doctrine --; Education, training, and lessons learned --; Preparedness, security, and force protection --; Planning --; Leadership and professionalism --; Character and leadership traits --; Technology --; Logistics --; Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance --; Unmaned aerial vehicles --; Information and communications --; Joint perspectives --; Coalition operations --; Airpower at war --; Irregular warfare/Counterinsurgency.
Military airpower: a revised digest of airpower opinions and thoughts.
Air power -- Quotations, maxims, etc.
Air warfare -- Quotations, maxims, etc.
Military art and science -- Quotations, maxims, etc.