Studies in health technology and informatics, v. 128.
Title page; Preface; Foreword; Contents; Why Nursing Needs to Explore and Shape Its Own Future --; The Background to the NI2006 Post Congress Conference; Reflections on an Evolving Discussion of the Future --; An Overview of the NI2006 Post Congress Conference; Technology Developments Applied to Healthcare/Nursing; Changes in Society at National and International Levels; Healthcare in the Year 2020 --; Practice and Policy; What If Nurses Get What They Have Always Sought: Totally Personalized Care? Trends Affecting Nursing Informatics; Health Care in 2020.
Demonstrates that technology is only one part of the equation, and that many other factors must be borne in mind. This volume acknowledges the need to explore not only the visible and predictable future, but also the less likely scenarios that may suddenly be thrust to the forefront of our attentions.
Information storage and retrieval systems -- Nursing -- Congresses.