All the works and days of hands: An exploration of trade manuals from Xinjiang (rislāh) and a translation
Michael Krautkraemer
DeWeese, Devin
Indiana University
Committee members: Bovingdon, Gardner; Sela, Ron
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-369-09812-9
Central Eurasian Studies
Indiana University
All the Works and Days of Hands is an exploration of trade manuals, risālah, from Southern Xinjiang, or Altishahr, home to the Turkic group now called Uyghurs. It focuses on the first decades of the twentieth century and examines the context, both religious and social, of these manuscripts. It explores the way in which risālahs were used and transmitted, as well as the role they played as badges of membership in a trade guild. It argues that the risālah as a genre fulfilled a social function, namely the sacrilization of labor. These risālahs, translated in English as "trade manual," are fascinating for the way in which they tell potential readers virtually nothing about the trade with which they are associated. Rather they give instructions as to how to participate in that trade in a sacred way. In addition to serving as a mechanism by which a tradesman could, in theory, at least, make the creation of a commercial good a sacred or religiously meritorious act, these texts were used in communal gatherings and, it is argued, served as yet another way in which communal identity was constructed and manifested among the Turkic Muslims who would one day be called Uyghur.
Religious history; Asian Studies; Islamic Studies
Philosophy, religion and theology;Social sciences;Handicraft;Risalah;Trade manual;Turkestan;Uyghur;Xinjiang