Seven gifts of the soul: A guide to Islamic integrative therapy
Sima Sweid
Vakoch, Douglas
California Institute of Integral Studies
Committee members: Hillier, Susan
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-369-31525-7
Clinical Psychology
California Institute of Integral Studies
While the term Islamic psychology has yet to be clearly defined, it includes various perspectives that draw from Islamic philosophy, Western theories of psychology, and cultural considerations that pertain to the Muslim population. The current research contributes to the emerging field of Islamic psychology by developing a professional guidebook for Islamic integrative therapy. The guide defines wellbeing in psycho-spiritual terms that relate to the condition of wholesomeness, and the state of being in sound condition. The Islamic concepts of unity and oneness (tawhid) are used to inform the philosophical foundation of the guidebook, which is modeled on seven leading attributes of God: Life, Knowledge, Will, Power, Perception (Seeing), Presence (Hearing) and Speech. Each of these Divine attributes is believed to play a role in the psycho-spiritual development of the human soul. The guidebook explores how these attributes can be integrated into the therapeutic setting and used to develop treatment goals, nourishing the client's fullest potential.