Altruism, autonomy, and human dignity for the sustainability of post-mortal organ donation
Aiyub Mohammad Fahad Alwehaibi
ten Have, Henk
Duquesne University
Committee members: Gielen, Joris; Magill, Gerard
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-1-369-77003-2
Health Care Ethics
Duquesne University
In most countries, the shortage for transplant organ sources has become common due to the significant increase in number of awaiting organ recipients, which, in turn, urges countries develop systemic programs in order to increase the number of organ donors and resolve their problems. Generally, either living or deceased organs are accepted in transplant practice, yet, each source holds its own benefits and adverse effects. Living organ donation encounters controversial and problematic issues at individual, social, and humanity levels. Cadaveric organ donation faces the obstacles of the criteria of death, which vary from cultural to medical perspectives, and the effective means to attract the public. Currently, presumed consent policies operating in Spain, Belgium, and Singapore have proved their effectiveness in increasing the number of donor organs. However, the increasing number of donor organs should not be a sole, sufficient indicator for the effectiveness of a policy. Instead, the sustainable growth in the number of organ donors after their death should be the goal of a policy in order to promote a promising outlook for organ donation sources. And, the factor that enhances the sustainability is public trust. The dissertation proposes a new approach for a more long-run outcome in increasing the number of organ donors. It is a model for a sustainable source of post-mortal organ donation. The model encourages deceased organ donation by assurance of the core value of donation act- altruism, and the protection and appreciation for donors as well as healthcare professionals. Most importantly, the model targets on obtaining and maintaining public trust by protecting one's autonomy and human dignity, thereby creating a sustainable source of donor.
Ethics; Medical Ethics
Philosophy, religion and theology;Health and environmental sciences;Altruism;Autonomy;Human dignity;Islam;Organ donation