Introduction to Social Justice Oriented Arts-Based Inquiry
Connie Hahne
Jordan, Michelle; Carlson, David Lee
Arizona State University
Committee members: Dixon, Shane
Place of publication: United States, Ann Arbor; ISBN=978-0-355-11622-9
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Arizona State University
This dissertation addresses the question of how participation in an arts-based sojourn influences university instructors' perspectives and understanding as related to working with international female Muslim students (FMS). It also addresses what participation in a social justice oriented arts-based inquiry reveals about transformation of perspectives and practices of FMS in instructors' long-term trajectories. Social justice oriented arts-based inquiry is a powerful tool to unearth issues and challenges associated with creating and sustaining equitable practices in the classroom. This type of inquiry provided instructor-participants with a platform that facilitated their use of "equity lenses" to examine and reflect on external phenomena which may influence their classroom practices as related to FMS. Participation in the art-based sojourn facilitated multiple opportunities for the instructor-participants to reflect critically on their practices, understanding, and perspectives of FMS. This study revealed that the most significant shifts in understanding and perspectives about FMS followed from long-term events and moments in the instructor-participants' teaching careers.
English as a Second Language; Educational leadership; Higher education; Occupations; Teachers; Art
Education;Female muslim students;Intensive english langauge program;International students